Chapter 15

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Day 273 /command <play audio file 64452> [command accepted; beginning audio file] This is Aayla Secura of the 372th star corp to trooper signal, we are currently engaging enemy forces across the planet, If you want a rescue we will need intel, and could use some assistance with some of the larger fire bases, we are unable to access your location at this time due to you being so deep in enemy lines, we will continue to monitor your location, take this comm code, with it you should be able to send text based communication to us, please report anything you can, thank you for your help trooper we will see you on the other side. So...I'm not completely screwed but this may be difficult, I was never trained in recon, and quite frankly I know for a fact I was never intended to survive as long as I have, this will be difficult, I'll report in when something of interest happens.

Day 285 The 327th has cut the CIS a new apart, ripping into their main lines and spilling into their flanks, the orbiting ships are pouring laser fire and explosives onto CIS bases and troops. I have been behind designating these targets and have taken quite a beating doing so, My left arm got dislocated while I was running from the blast zone of a bombing run when the ground below me gave way and left me to fall into a ravine pulling my arm out of its socket i'll be honest it hurt to return it to its original resting place, and it actually knocked me out when it finally popped back into place. I was lucky not to die in my sleep, and even luckier to get some long deserved rest without the nightmares that cling to my mind. I never said I liked the job but I better get back to it, the 327th are nearing the CIS regional command center that I was camped near and I'm supposed to assist with their push forward from behind the enemy force, maybe this time I can avoid breaking myself, but even if I don't according to the GAR insurance plan I should be covered.

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