Chapter 16

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Today is my 297th day on Felucia and will be one of my last Arch thought to himself as he carefully climbed atop a large tree and held his binoculars steady, trying to get coordinates of the armoured division he stalked. The night was pitch black and the air was cool and damp. The trees in the area were bare and empty, a green light flashed on the binocular display, the armoured divisions coordinates were locked, their doom assured.

Arch opened the comm intel drop off and began typing the coordinates when a whine sounded and a laser bot seared into Arch's chest, burning through his armour and cutting through his flesh. Arch's legs buckled beneath his body as he lost control of his body and fell backwards off the tree branch, on the way down Arch slammed into branches of varying density during his descent, wordlessly Arch finally cratered into the ground in shock, and knowing the shock wouldn't last long, he activated his distress beacon again, and quickly removed his torso armour plating.

Once they were removed, Arch dragged himself into the nearby brush. Soon the CIS would come for a body, and he wouldn't stick around for the reunion. Arch opened his pack with shaking hands and quickly applied a bacta bandage to his exposed stomach, wincing as the bacta began to work regenerating his damaged skin and inner organs, stinging the burnt flesh. The world darkened around Arch as his mind began to overload with pain, the shock wearing off with a sharp edge, it was at this time Arch's mind decided that it was time to rest, for repairs were difficult and Arch was reckless.

Arch woke up to plumes of smoke poking through the horizon, the air was full of LAATs and the air filled with the buzz of aircraft and the clank of moving walkers tanks. There were loud footsteps in the area and through the daze Arch could hear voices "I HAVE SOMETHING, looks like damaged armour" "He must be close, this could have only been done by a sniper rifle, trust me you don't walk after that" "Distress signal is close, check the brush" moments passed, and Arch tried to move, but his limbs refused, his nervous system was not responding to his commands. Gloved hands pulled the brush surrounding Arch away and revealed a armoured soldier, a comrade. The trooper yelled out "I have him" the trooper then spoke to Arch "We got you brother, you're gonna be alright" More soldiers arrived and Arch was lifted by his brothers, feeling safe in the arms of his comrades, Arch fell back into a deep sleep as his body continued to fight the damage done to his system. For Arch the battle was over, but when he was done healing the war would be waiting.

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