Chapter 9

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Desperate times-

Arch was assigned to the help repair the shield generator alongside a small team of engineers and four clone soldiers. They rushed through the small corridors when something slammed into the bulkhead and tore it's way inside.

It was a small round canister, the door opened and battle droids leapt out spilling into the hallway in force, within seconds two of the four soldiers were laid out on the floor with holes burned through their chests. The engineers rushed past the canister towards the shield generator, yelling back "HOLD THEM OFF, IF WE DON'T GET SHIELDS BACK WE'RE DOOMED!" Arch and the remaining soldier took cover behind an outstretched bulkhead and fired into the mass of enemies pushing forward. Arch sent out an emergency call and continued to fire his weapon mowing down the droids.

A squad of four clones arrived and took Arch's place as he raced towards the bridge to inform the captain in person, besides he didn't want to miss the light show outside. The Gauntlet fired a heavy barrage of missiles and torpedoes into the providence cruiser which already was engulfed in flames. As the volley impacted, it bursted into a massive ball of fire and scrap, Arch was mesmerized by the beauty of the fireball as it slowly dissipated in the vacuum of space, large chunks of surviving molten metal the only remainder of the ships existence. 

The captain look at Arch "Have you something you to report, clone?" "Not anymore sir, the situation would appear to be resolved, although I now have a question sir. How is the fleet doing, are we still set for the invasion?" "Well if you ask command we are set, but if you ask me we should wait for a resupply. Most of our fighters were lost, both of our surviving cruisers are severely damaged and will be unable to provide any significant orbital support, and we lost a whole cruiser full of troops, munitions and armour. Don't even get me started on the losses we took from the Arqentin battle group. But we will be continuing with the invasion as planned, as we are ordered to do" Arch nodded "Aye aye sir" he turned and exited the bridge full of doubt, he had a bad feeling about this, but orders were orders no matter how stupid they were. 

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