Chapter 10

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The clones grabbed four hours of rest and then arrived in the hangar bay, which was noticeably empty. Inside the yellow striped Battalion commander oversaw his troops load the surviving LAAT's with equipment and troops. The first wave of troops were loaded within the hour and were launched out with a small escort of fighters and a squadron of y-wings. Then Arch's troops were loaded, along with a division of AT-AP's and a squad of Light speeders armed with laser repeaters. The loading process went slowly enough that Arch could think about the struggle already going on on the surface as the first group fought to hold the landing zone, suddenly the battalion commander commed him.

Sergeant 6782 requesting immediate reinforcements, landing zone is heavily contested we have been engaged by at least a ARGHHHH!"

The comm cut out and Arch snapped into action "LOAD QUICKLY BOYS, THE LANDING TEAM IS IN DANGER" he then commed "The Torment"

Generals, word from the landing zone, commander is suspected to be dead, and reports are coming in of at least a division of droids in the surrounding forests, pinning down the survivors. How should we proceed generals?

This is General Skywalker, send your troops down and see if you can drive the enemy force back, report your success as soon as possible, and inform us if we need to switch to the the second landing zone.

Affirmative sir, we will head out immediately.

Arch turned to his men, all hard at work "ORDERS ARE IN, WE ARE NEEDED ON THE GROUND NOW, THE FIRST GROUP NEEDS A BABYSITTER BOYS, HUE AH!" The men returned the hue ah and continued to load as quickly as possible, within minutes the armour was loaded and the troops were loaded into their LAAT's. Arch was loaded into the lead transport, the side doors sealing right behind him, in the enclosed space were clones crowded inside the passenger compartment.

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