chapter 14

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recovered logs-

Day 6 it's around midnight here on Felucia but I can't sleep. I know it is unlikely the republic will ever get here before i'm dead, but I can't help but watch the sky for the republic's grand return. I don't know how long I can survive alone on this world, so full of extremely hostile creatures and climates. I can still see the fire burning from the battleground, in the distance. All I can do now is ask the force for forgiveness, My brother's blood is on my hands alone, I can only hope that Zeus and the remainder of the 452nd made it out. I know I left them but they would have lost no matter what, the position was outnumbered and outgunned, why waste the life when I can still do something. I have monitored the comms for survivors but I have heard nothing, I guess I'll head out and try to find a water source, gonna need one if I plan on not dying. 

Day 12 The Republic is definitely not coming back for me or my dead brothers, the skies are now filled with separatist ships, likely a battle group on route to kashyyyk to try to break through, one can only hope they fail. I have noticed an increase in CIS patrols in the area, and don't like what it implies. If the Clankers know i'm alive that complicates the whole survival thing, I mean on Kamino they taught us how to survive behind enemy lines but in the training the world we were on wasn't completely abandoned by the Republic. I will wait here until the fire of Alpha zone dies out, when this happens I'm going to move farther North West towards the thicker forests and closer the main planetary CIS base on Felucia, perhaps I can do some damage.

Day 28 I made it to the thicker woods, it took two more days for the fire of Alpha zone to burn out, I can only imagine due to the lingering souls of vengeful clones still looking for victory in defeat. The forest is so much louder here, and creatures are far more common and lethal, no wonder the CIS never goes around here. Machines would likely struggle to eliminate creatures that evolved to survive far worse than the creations of man, living the blistering heat and the chilling cold. I have found a couple wrecks of ancient vessels from a battle lost to time, the wrecks mostly reclaimed by nature after eons. The nights are still ruled by the memories of lost comrades and the screams of the tormented, leaving me without rest and peace of mind. I'll be honest in my armour I have a cyanide pill in case of capture, and I've been tempted to just join my brothers in some form of enlightenment, but in their memory I have to live through the war, and kill as many CIS Clankers as I can, make them pay triple in droids as we payed in clones.

Day 43 I have a small update, I finally took the time to grow the beard I've always wanted, plus the fact I found a damaged lightsaber. I gotta be honest they never taught us to build lightsabers but I have no doubt I could fix it up and have a shiney new death stick for my efforts. I will report back in once it is repaired.

Day 48 The lightsaber is struggling to stay on but is working on an occasion, given enough time I should have it functioning perfectly, but for now I'm going out on a recon patrol, to the CIS base i need to know what i'm up against down here. The first step to victory is knowledge and i'm not ready to admit defeat, not yet.

Day 51 The recon mission hasn't exactly done to plan, I was forced to hide in about four miles from the CIS base after a massive convoy rolled through. I was able to track it to a small trade depot loaded with supplies. The supplies here would likely be extremely useful for the CIS troops, so I decided to blow it up. I would hate to get technical but um.... I'm freaking awesome, I not only set the place to blow, I stole an AAT and used it to raid two days worth of supply convoys and factories before the CIS were able to successful combat me. I have single handedly disabled the CIS's ability to support any kind of war effort based here, as well as stop them from diverting Felucia's resources from the planet's core. I'm hiking back to home base now, it shouldn't be long now.

Day 107 I know it's been awhile since I recorded a mission log, but things recently have been difficult. The CIS now figure i'm out in the woods somewhere and they now are burning down nearby forests, hoping to draw me out. This action nearly indirectly killed because they pushed the more dangerous wildlife towards me, short story I have been on the run for quite some time, from multiple hunters both quite good at their job. It's times like this that I really miss my brother, If only they had made it out with me instead of sticking to their foolish sense of duty. I don't know if and when i'll be able to record another log, I have already been injured after running into a Rancor in a small cave, and in my experience fate doesn't give too many chances.

Day 167 FINALLY the log is working, my helmet has been offline for nearly two weeks after I was forced to use it as a shield when a slasher tried to cut me in half, damaging the receiver module along with sensor system. Anyhow I don't how if any of my logs are damaged or missing, but that will have to wait because I finally mastered the lightsaber. It turns out the problem was a loose power regulator near the saber crystal, anyhow this thing is amazing, it cuts through anything i've run into so far and has saved me on a couple of occasions. I can see why the Jedi like these things so much, just wielding it feels amazing, although I have learned to avoid long range engagements because blocking lasers are much more difficult than it looks. Anyhow I will continue to run and hide, but the second the CIS turns its back I will strike another crippling blow, if there's one thing I know a single man can do anything if he is as good at destroying things as they are good looking.

Day 200 HAPPY 200th day in hell to me, it seems like an eternity since I've been able to rest, the droids are relentless, searching day and night tirelessly destroying everything in their path, the irony is that the creatures that once threatened my existence during my early days now are the only thing slowing the droids down. I had hoped the Clankers would have thought me dead by now but they are being careful, I was hiking when I had a realization. The clones had always believed themselves slaves to the republic, slaves to the Jedi, but today I realized that the Jedi are the true slaves, they are forced to sacrifice their morals to fight in a war, a war that is for the justice they are enslaved too as children and brainwashed to hold into their adult lives. The Jedi may be misguided but they are not truly to blame they are in the crossfire of a war between right and wrong the only question I have left is who are the good guys here, who are we fighting for. I can only hope that my months in isolation is driving me crazy and that this line of thinking is only a side effect. I have nearly been pushed back to Alpha zone, if i'm pushed beyond it i'm going to go on a suicidal rampage, destroying everything CIS in my path. I'm getting tired of fighting alone and against the odds, fates gonna catch up with me soon enough.

Day 242 I'M SAVED! I WAS WALKING DURING THE NIGHT AND THERE WAS AN INCREDIBLE LIGHT SHOW OF BLUE AND RED LASER FIRE WITH THE OCCASIONAL BURST OF FIERY HEAT. I just have to hold on a little while longer while they finish their fight and push to my location, once I'm sure that they are actually going to make it through then I'm going to jury rig a distress signal. Looks like I might be able to go on that rampage after all.

Day 268 The once peaceful forest have endured so much suffering in the recent months, now the sounds of nature and smell of fresh oxygen has been replaced with the far off echo of artillery and blaster fire, the smells of charred metal and flesh. My distress signal has been sent out but I'm still waiting for a response, I will report more later, the sounds of war are drifting near and I hope to avoid the crossfire.

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