Chapter 4

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Lone wolf-

Arch then began to run Northwest, towards their objective, hoping not to run into any more Clankers. Arch slipped into the enemy cannon position and quickly hid out of sight awaiting the others, when Dozer commed him.

Sir the ARC commander is down, can't confirm if he's dead but we can't get to him. We ran into- SHAB TAKE COVER! The comm filled with crackling followed by screaming and the laser fire.

Arch sighed in sorrow and was about to kill the line when Dozer began talking again

Receiving? Sir come in are you receiving, we are pinned down by enemy light tanks and are awaiting artillery support, destroy those cannons now, WE CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS WE NEED SUPPORT! Arch commed The Artillery support unit

This is CT-6782 with Charlie squad, I have eyes on the enemy artillery cannons. Grid 5-4-6-7-3 sector 6 please confirm solid copy. 

A response cackled in his helmet as the cannons roared beside him, firing another barrage onto the exposed clones desperately fighting back the droid advance. This is Artillery support confirm solid copy, danger close barrage inbound, keep your head down if you want to keep it.

Moments later Arch could see the shells of death screaming towards him. He dove into a ditch, and clenched his teeth as his ears rang and he felt his stomach fly upwards as he soared. He crumpled back down to the ground moments later with a grunt.The cannons were destroyed and the laser fire intensified as the clones charged forward decimating the remaining droid forces.

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