Chapter 21

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After moments of tense silence Bly rolled off of Arch, and Arch could see the bombers effect. The surrounding structures were flattened, leaving the ground littered with jagged pieces of steel, hardened concrete, and scrap metal. Upon closer inspection limbs could be seen poking out of the debris were a body or clone was buried by the wreckage, likely killed by the overbearing weight, crushing them alive. Arch removed his helmet to look at the scene with his own eyes just to make sure it wasn't another nightmare, but this was all too real. This was a tomb for many of the troops who fought here, on both sides. The air was thick and warm, under his armour he sweated profusely, his breathing was shallow and unstable, the air stung his eyes and dried his throat. An audible groan brought Arch back to reality, Bly laid on his back, with his helmet removed, his face was covered in small scars and his armour was scorched and scratched covered in small bits of mud and blood. Arch offered his hand and Bly took it, pulling himself to his feet.

"You injured Bly?" Bly responded

"Negative, armours gonna need some work but i'm good"

The two stood side by side and looked upon the surrounding destruction. Bly spoke solemnly

"You never get used to it, nearly a half a decade of fighting, but you never get used to what's left behind"

They stood for a few moments longer and then walked to the entrance gate of the regional command center, opening the gates for approaching reinforcements who would arrive in minutes. After ten minutes of sitting and waiting for more troops the general reappeared after apparently being stuck under a small pile of rubble, just in time for a column of clone turbo tanks or as they were often called juggernauts to roll through the gate along with a full company of shocktroopers. The troopers secured the perimeter and began to search for both bodies and survivors.

As night fell many worked to set up building to house the troops as they secured the republic's control of Felucia. Arch was about to offer his assistance to the workers when Bly gripped his shoulder from behind, comming him through his helmet

These men have been sitting around for awhile to see some fighting and they saw none, you have seen enough of constant fighting and surviving, tonight you sleep under our protection. Go my friend rest we will carry tonight's burden.

Arch did not agree but knew even though it wasn't phrased as an order it was just that, so he went to one of the temporary barracks and fell asleep the second his head touched his pillow. The night was kind he slept without the harassment of dreams. When Arch woke up his body hurt with every movement, sore after months of constant moving with few breaks. His helmet displayed a message from Bly, they were going on patrol to search the nearby woods for any rogue droids and he was to come along. He grabbed his rifle and saber and walked to the entrance finding a large squad of troopers and the general. Bly commed him

I got a casualty report from command for the defense of Kamino. I hate to be the one to deliver the news but shortly after the 452nd arrived Kamino was invaded, the 452 was on patrol on the outskirts of the cloning platforms and was engaged by surprise away from reinforcements and support. Aqua droids quickly overwhelmed the position and a retreat was ordered, while the rest ran, Zeus and a band of troopers covered their retreat fighting to the last laser bolt and even engaging in hand to hand combat, but eventually succumbing to the overwhelming force and laser fire. Dozer was reported dead during first contact but later when the area was investigated scraps of his armour were found with excessive blast scaring. It is believed that Dozer knowing he was going to die decided to blow up a Trident aquatic carrier, killing himself in the process. I'm sorry for their loss but they died fighting valiantly, saving their brothers.

Arch's mind blurred as he began to realize that he knew his men would have died for Kamino, he no faith in them, his final thoughts of his boys were that they wouldn't survive without him. He was happy he had his helmet on because he didn't want anyone to know about the tears that began to stream down his face, and as he fought the sobs that threatened to sound out. The remains of his men were gone now, he was truly alone surrounded by hundreds with his face and his voice. Bly commed him again

I'll give you some time to think over my offer to join the 327th, we've all been where you've been, you're not alone here we have your back. Unfortunately the war won't give you a break just yet and I need someone like you on this patrol in case we run into any of the wildlife.

With this they headed out in a single file formation general Secura on the lead and Arch watching the back. They hiked for miles through dense forest and hazardous terrain, no one talked and Arch was fine with that, he thought about all the times Zeus had kept them all save at the risk of his own life, or all the time Dozer had come home drunk and sore from the things he did to his body and having to take care of him like a weary father and a lost boy without a path to travel only a track to walk. He reminisced about his former men, all of the boys he fought with, talked and walked with. Bly commed once in awhile but when he commed Arch this time he was in a more serious mood

I've been under Allaya since the beginning did you know that, we've been together for years. In the beginning as saw her as incompetent and foolish, but when were stranded on a moon alone, We were outnumbered and surrounded with the droids pushing us farther and farther back. We were pushing towards an extraction, but they pushed us back so quickly that a whole platoon of troopers got cut off and were close to death. Instead of leaving them she went back for them while we loaded the injured, when she returned she carried four men with her and behind her was a line of troopers many injured but alive. If it hadn't been for her those men would have been dead and the 327th would never have become what it is. She's a good general, and she has her people's back, I can't count how many times she has saved me. The point of this story Arch is we all have each other, your unit doesn't matter we are in this together the first wave went in and needed help so the second wave came and backed them, when the second wave called the third came, we will always be there for eachother even if some of us pay for it. Hopefully it will help you like it helped me.

They continued to march but found nothing, they were on their way when a Bly slowed down. Moments later a transmission came through directly from command, a blue figure in dark robes appeared before Arch. In a raspy voice the man spoke, anger hidden in his tone "The time has come to execute order 66. The words chilled Arch to the bone but he didn't quite know why, something about them raised a deep hatred from inside of him. His weapon raised and pointed at General Secura, a warrior he recently learned was also a caring soul, he strained to stop his finger on the trigger, he wanted to scream as the others did the same as him. He wanted to yell out to Secura, who had so much trust in them she didn't pay any attention to them. Of the platoon only one trooper didn't join in firing a solemn barrage of laser fire into the back of a fellow warrior. Secura never knew who shot her in the back, she was killed instantly, mowed down by her soldiers, her friends. As the other clone began to continue their march Arch fell to his knees, his mind overwhelmed by loss. He became poetic thinking of a quote his trainer on Kamino once said "Blood will always be answered with blood it is the way of sentient life" Arch finally saw that the galaxy was changing far out anyone's control, nothing would be the same come tomorrow. Brother would fight brother as sister would fight sister, the clone wars were very much over, but on the horizon a war was already brewing one that would separate the galaxy once again, blood will always answer blood the cycle begins anew. Arch could only hope when the war came he was on the right side, as he joined his fellow troopers no one spoke, it now it chilled him to the bone.

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