chapter 12

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 More droids spilled into the area, making it clear that alpha zone wouldn't not be taken without an army, something the survivors of the landing were indeed not. The tanks were being pelted by insane amounts of laser fire, melting through their thick hull and crippling their weapon systems. Arch knew now that this would be his last battle, but wouldn't be the end of the war. He commed command

Generals this is Sergeant 6782 reporting in, our fighter escorts are down, and we are being overwhelmed. Repeat Alpha zone is too far gone, and we have already lost half of the battalion down here. Find a soldier named Zeus he can lead what remains alongside you, we will keep them busy as long as we can sir. I'd ask about an evac but I know Sha... Sorry hold on sirs

Arch yeeled into the distance "COVER ME YOU USELESS SHABS!" Arch then continued

I will send as many of my wounded towards Bravo zone and the remainder of our force will slow them down. Good luck generals

Arch opened a comm to the ground troops

All units hold your ground, make them fight for every inch, Tanks grab as many wounded as you can and get clear, the main invasion force will definitely need the support, today we hold not for the republic but for our brothers men, let's get it done one last time.

Arch closed his comm and began to fire his weapon at the wall of steel that approached, marching a steady beat of merciless death and destruction on the horizon. In the distance he heard cries as his men fell one by one succumbing to the inevitable. After what seemed like for ever, Arch's comm buzzed again

This is Republic command our force has been out flanked and is being cut off. All forces retreat at once, repeat we are being massacred out here, all forces retreat now.

Arch responded

This is 2nd platoon of the 452nd battalion, we are unable to retreat to bravo zone, we are surrounded and have sustained severe casualties, our wounded are inbound now, we will continue to hold out as long as possible, see you on the other side command, Arch out

Arch closed his comm and looked around him. The once beautiful forest was now a cratered pit, full of fire and littered with scrap and bodies. All around the wrecks of war burned to ash, already becoming forgotten to time, but this was not how Arch was going to die. He called to his platoon

To those who wish to fight to see another day, scatter into the forests, become one with this world we will await the return of our troops, our brothers, if you wish to die honorably you may, but I release you all of your duty, do as you wish my friends.

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