Chapter 11

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The compartment was cramped and the air thick and warm. They all tensed as the transport quickly lifted off the deck and flew out of the hanger bay at full speed escorted by a small squadron of four fighters, the only remaining fighters out what was once hundreds. As they entered Felicia's atmosphere the lights darkened and a red auxiliary light came on. In the dark compartment, the red light cast a crimson white on the trooper's armour sending chills up Arch's spine. 

No one spoke as they entered the atmosphere and the side doors opened to reveal a massive and seemly endless forest thick and mysterious, but the awe was replaced by fear as the LAAT began to shudder as the droids below began to focus their fire on the incoming transports. The fire became worse as a nameless trooper was shot in the head and fell out of the transport, with other bolts swarming the interior. The man screamed the whole way down and was only muffled as the pilots quickly sealed the doors locking in the smell of burnt flesh and metal. The LAAT suddenly began to drop and landed heavily on the surface pluming smoke from the fuel line, they had arrived this was alpha zone, or what was left of it. The surrounding forests were full of burning foliage and the bodies of clones everywhere. Many were still alive, many of them missing limbs and slowly dying as their life etched away with the blood they spilt. 

Bolts seemed to come from all directions with deadly accuracy, cutting down men in threes and fours. The passengers in the LAAT didn't hesitate, they ran for the forest, for cover, for a fighting chance. While more LAATs began their descent into the hellish landscape below. The troops ran towards the forest line, being careful to spread out making them all harder to target as a group, mortars bombarded the area, cratering the ground throwing dirt and rock into the sky in large plumes, throwing any nearby soldier with them promptly breaking their neck upon landing. The soldiers reached the forest line and pushed forward slowly firing into the thick overgrowth, at hidden death hidden in the brush. Arch strained to stay low as he pushed through the uneven and rough terrain. Hundreds of troopers charged up behind Arch, providing covering fire as the first wave moved forward to silence the cowards hiding in the forest.

The armoured support was unloaded and the AT-AP's began to fire their heavy cannons at the flashes of laser fire, tearing machine apart into shrapnel, and disintegrating the nearby plant life in a flash of light. The final fighters came in for an attack run when a volley of missiles flew into them, blowing them out of the sky and into the tanks below, destroying two AT-AP walkers.

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