Chapter 19

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Below the ground whizzed by in a blur natural landscapes turning to mechanical buildings and massive road systems. A loud buzzer sounded and Arch jumped from the craft, his stomach felt as though it flew upwards, and he felt like being sick. Arch immediately thrusted the pack and he jolted as he slowed to the ground. A quick glance around showed the area was surrounded by massive walls loaded with heavy cannons and hundreds of droids. Troopers landed around him and quickly disconnected their packs, rushing towards their objectives. Arch even with the help of the jumpack slammed into the ground and buckled onto the ground collapsing under himself. He detached the pack and began to get up when a small team of B-2 droids trained their weapons on his head. Arch dove for his weapon when a blur of green and blue flew through the sky and landed cratering the ground below. The blur continued to fly through the droids cutting them apart cleanly and appearing beside Arch. Arch knelt by his weapon in a brief second of awe before the Jedi's outreached hand "With me trooper, we still have a mission to complete" Arch sprinted behind her spraying laser fire in the general direction of any surrounding droids. Four clones formed behind Arch, including Bly, his personal comm buzzed

It's weird isn't watching her decimate everything in her path, don't worry you ever really get used to it.

Arch imagined Bly grinning as the group charged towards the remaining AA guns. Explosions sounded all around, wrist rockets impacted around them throwing shrapnel and sand into the sky. A massive explosion sounded from behind and rocked the ground inside the base, a fireball flashed and threw massive pieces of melted steel and other components all around, a whole AA battery group had been destroyed at the cost of the troopers who destroyed them. The blast knocked the whole group to the ground, along with many of the droids around them. They all scrambled to their feet into pairs, the general going on her own her saber dancing through the droid ranks like a knife through butter. Arch and another trooper who never introduced himself charged towards the closest battery turning the gun's guards into scrap metal. Arch lunged at the gunner controlling the weapon and digging his vibroknife into the gunners metallic chest with one hand and ripping the droids weak head off with the other. The other trooper began to pull out explosive charges but Arch signaled him to hold, Arch removed the gunner's remains and redirected the AA turret towards Bly's target battery, firing a large barrage of massive energy bolts melting the turret near instantly. Before Arch could target the final battery his comm buzzed Leave this one to me trooper. The Jedi general with a running start leapt into the air and landed on the large barrel of the AA turret's guns and beheaded the droid gunner with a flick of her wrist, using the momentum to turn 360 degrees and face Arch and his commandeered AA turret. Good work trooper, destroy that gun quickly the droids are beginning to react to our attack, and we will want some support when they do. The nameless trooper planted the detonators and once they were clear triggered the explosive removing any trace of the AA gun permanently, now droids began to surround the survivors of the assault hundreds of heavy B-2 battle droids against a skeleton crew of 27 clone airborne troopers.

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