Chapter 2

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Eva, Macy and Ria were walking down the hill away from the school building which they frequented well after the bell had rang to signal the end of the day. This daily ritual involved staying in the library after-school until it closed and then later going down to the shops to buy some kind of junk food.

Eva usually bought food for Ria as well or "lent" her the moment to buy the food, even thought she knew full well Ria didn't have the money to return. Ria came from a relatively poor, ethnic, background with a lot of siblings and not enough money to go around. Eva didn't mind, she usually got quite a bit of pocket money and anyways she loved her friend and what was few pounds anyway?

Eva cautiously, glanced at Ria's face trying desperately to read something. Macy caught her looking and raised her eyebrows questioningly, before quickly realising what Eva was getting at.
"So how are you with the whole Isaac situation?" Macy asked bluntly. Eva shook her head, she had hoped to subtly find out how her friend was after all the jokes that her and Macy had made about them.being together. After all Ria was the one Eva talked to about Aaron. She began daydreaming before Ria's abrupt answer brought her back to reality.
"I'm fine, I wasn't really expecting him to feel the same and anyway it wouldn't work because I'm Muslim so can't date anyway."
She had pretty much repeated what she had said after she'd told the both of them word for word. Eva knew she had been hurting a bit, but she would be okay.

Eva's thought got interrupted by the chime of her phone and looked down to see she had received a text from Aaron.

Where are you? it read. Eva responded before seeing that Aaron was coming towards them with his friend Ezra.
Aaron was shockingly pale, in contrast to his jet black hair, which suited his electric blue eyes and yet somehow despite his striking face was long and gangly and for the most part awkward and goofy.
Ezra, however, walked with a grace that made it seem as though he were floating on air, which rather comically suited his appearance. Ezra had shoulder length, light brown hair and large icy blue eyes, with a lean but muscular figure. In short he looked a hell of a lot like someone's idea of Jesus. So that is what most people called him, not usually bothering with his real name.

"Hi Aaron, hey Jesus" Ria said, and in response receiving nods of acknowledgement in return,
"Hey" the other two muttered. It was then that Eva thought of something , that may not have been the best solution to her friend's problem, but would turn out to be for the best.

"Don't you think Jesus and Ria would make a cute couple?" she said, as Aaron laughed at the thought of it and Macy quickly agreed.

Ria's face was full of embarrassment as she muttered, "Not this again", whilst Ezra sported an amused smile.

So this began another part of Ria's life where her friends teased her about a boy she had never had any affiliation with, whom she wasn't interested in, in the slightest.

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