Chapter 9

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// I just want to say I think the character of Isaac needs developing a bit more, hence this chapter, he is not however a very important part of the story, so this is just a filler//


She was being so damn infuriating. So fucking childish. Ria spamming him a million messages and then getting freaked out, when he didn't reply straight away.

She'd sent a paragraph ranting about him, saying that Isaac wasn't really trying anymore even thought he'd already given the whole group and explanation as to why he wouldn't be very sociable around the holidays. They were just being needy and insensitive.

Just because he had rejected Ria, she was aiming to make him feel worse about himself constantly because he wasn't spending much time with his friends. She was such an evil manipulative bitch and Eva was no better, jumping to her defense as soon as Isaac had said one word, they were both irritating and annoying.
Even Aaron's face was irritating but that wasn't really anything new for Isaac.

The only one of them he could tolerate was Macy. She was kind and understanding and didn't want to constantly probe him about what exactly was wrong or why he wasn't talking to anyone. She'd just start up a conversation with him just because and it was nice amongst all the attacks from his "friends".

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