Chapter 5

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//Again Ria is Italics and Ezra is bold//


Ezra's emotions had been on a roller coaster in the past week. It started with a sleepover at Aaron's and a game of truth or dare.

Ezra had picked truth and had been asked a question by his friends purposely to embarrass him. So he'd answered like they wanted him to and gave an excuse, so he could play it off coolly. Unknown to him however, at the time Aaron was speaking by text to Ria and had told her she was one of the answers to a question that Ezra had been asked.

As a result of this Ria had been pestering him all week. He would have told her sooner than he did but he was embarrassed and wasn't sure what her reaction would be, so he finally told her that the question was:

"Who that we know , would you consider to be wife material?"

Cool, was all the response he had received from her. He had no clue what she was thinking, but assumed she thought he was weird, so he had decided to add :

I used the reasoning that you'd be a good cook since you take GSCE Food Tech.

After that Ria had responded saying something about how being a wife wasn't all about cooking, but their conversations had been normal.since then.

Until now.

The message that he had just received from Ria scared the shit out of him and he knew what he was going to say even if he was nervous as hell, he just had to know. He read over Ria's response once more, before he began typing:

Aaron just asked me if I liked you hahaha

Ezra knew what he wanted to say, in fact he had been wanting to say it for a hell of a long time, but he was just too nervous of fucking up. But here was the perfect opportunity to get and answer.

And do you? , he typed.

Do I what?

You know what I'm talking about, stop avoiding the question.

Okay, fine

Ezra waited anxiously for a few minutes whilst she typed a response, but when she had eventually sent one, he was not satisfied. She'd sent a paragraph being vague and not really giving him and answer at all.

Do you like me? It is a yes or no question?

Fine, I do like you, but honestly it doesn't even matter because I know for a fact you won't like me back and I don't even care anyway, but it's your turn, do you like me?

Of course I do

Don't say that like it was obvious, Aaron told me you didn't. He said he asked you and you said no

That's because Aaron's an idiot and I would tell him anyway BC he'd tell Eva and Eva would tell you so ...

Ezra felt an elated feeling, filling him up. He liked Ria a lot. She made him laugh and they could talk about anything no matter, how personal and he knew it was vain, but she was fucking beautiful as well.

He didn't know what to do now because there was a slightly awkward situation, Ria and Ezra had never spoken to Ria directly in real life. This was because Ezra was quite shy and kept to himself, even with his friends. How could he like a girl and never have spoken to her? He needed to spend some time alone with her, to see whether he liked her in real life as much as online

He chewed his lip, but decided this was a problem for another time and continued his conversation with Ria, which had immediately turned more flirty.

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