Chapter 4

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//To avoid confusion bold writing is Aaron and Italics is Ria.//


Aaron, in his room,playing PS3, was also talking to Eva via instant messenger. Eva seemed kinda cool to him. They had only started talking a few months back, as a joke because two of their other friends were too united against the whole group, so they decided to couple up as a joke to take the piss.

Eva was attractive enough. Slightly taller than him actually, long (recently red) hair and large blue eyes. She had a good figure but a rather flat arse, he thought other than that she was pretty great, into some good bands, not overly sensitive and made fun out of him, which entertained as well as embarrassed him.

He turned off.his game and turned his concentration towards his screen where he was talking to Eva. Their conversations often became flirty and it was enjoyed that way and even though Aaron hadn't dated a girl in 2 years and hadn't even had his first kiss yet, he felt himself forming an involuntary attachment to Eva.

A message popped up from another person and he changed his screen to see what it was:

Hey Ron

The message was from Ria. No one else called him Ron, but her and everyone teased him, saying that Ria liked him, hence the nickname. He knew it wasn't true though.

Ria was protective of him and Aaron cared about her a lot. She was like his sister and after all she called him Little brother a lot, even though he hated that nickname. He was only 5 days younger than her, she was probably a lost wiser, not that he would ever admit that to her.

Hey, what's up?

Not much, just talking to Ezra n Macy, hby?

Not much, do you talk to him everyday now?

Who, Ezra? Yea, pretty much every night for a couple hours

How much flirting is involved?

Idk, how does one measure flirtage?

Aaron thought about it for a second:

By the number of winky faces and innuendos. So how many?

He waited for her reply whilst she was presumably scrolling through her conversation with Ezra.

Ermmm about, 5 winky faces and 7 innuendos, although some of the winks were accompanied by innuendos

Damn, that's flirty. Who sent the majority of them, you or him?

He sent 4/5 winky faces.

Hmmm. Ok

He left his conversation with Ria there and continued to talk to Eva, until the early hours of the morning and resolved to ask Ezra his opinion of Ria, the next time he saw him. After all, they had been talking almost everyday for about a month now, there was a possibility that they had feeling for each other.

// As you can probably guess, I'm not Aaron, so sorry if the chapter was rather shit. Also feel free to comment where you think the plot is going even thought it's going rather slowly, constructive criticism is also welcome//

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