Chapter 7

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Macy was sat next to Ria for an entire hour of Physics, normally it was quite fun, they did a bit of work and pissed about for the rest of it because their teacher loved them. Physics was how the two of them had actually first met.

But today Ria had been having a nervous breakdown, not bothering to even look at her Physics work, not that Mr Reynolds minded. He was pretty chill.

The night before, ( as Macy had been told by Ria), Ezra had suggested they meet up and talk, get to know each other alone. They decided to meet in the art rooms after school, since Ria had needed to catch up on some of her art coursework and there wasn't usually many people there anyway, just a teacher usually. Ria immediately regretted this because it mad where even more nervous.

Macy loved her friend, and comforted her for the entire hour and now 5 minutes before the end of last period, Ria was freaking the fuck out, spraying so much body spray it made Macy nearly cough her lungs out BC of her asthma, and applying and reapplying eyeliner in the exact same face. She kept asking the same things.

"Do I look okay?"

"Do I smell okay?"

"What if he doesn't show up?"

To which Macy replied:

"You look amazing, now shut up"

"You smell great, like a perfume factory explosion."

"He will, calm down."

As the bell rang Macy headed towards the library to meet Eva and Owen hoping desperately that her friend would be okay.


//Still Macy//

It was around 4ish when the door to the library opened and Ria and Ezra walked in, looking the most awkward two people could ever look together. Ria broke away and dropped into the beanbag next to Macy immediately relaxing. Macy had a lot of questions to ask but let them slide since Ezra was sat less than two feet away from them and would probably hear.

"How come you're here," Owen asked, "You're normally only around when Aaron is," he said innocently. Macy knew for a fact he was making them uncomfortable on purpose since Eva had already explained what was happening. Macy saw Ezra and Ria share and uncomfortable look and Ezra just shrugged in response.

After getting kicked out of the library, Eva, Ria, Macy and Ezra went down to the chippy (Owen had to leave). At the chippy Macy could see both Ria and Ezra leaning against each other really close and nudged Eva, who was on her phone no doubt texting Aaron, so she could see. The two girls burst into laughter and the couple jumped apart in surprise.

After sharing 2 portions of chips between them, Ezra had to leave since he was getting the bus the other way. Macy and Eva both skipped ahead to get on the bus and Ria lagged behind a bit to say good bye to Ezra.

"So?"Macy asked once Ria was seated on the bus, "What happened?"

Ria took a deep breath and began to speak.

// So if you guys really wanna read my next chapter I'd really appreciate some votes, let's say 5 votes and 2 comments, I'd just like to know if people would like me to continue writing this//

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