Chapter 14

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//OMG it's a miracle ik, me updating so soon, as I know I am an unreliable little shit, but I have received more interest from various people AND WE HIT 300 READS WHOOO!!!! So here's what I hope will be a reasonably longer than chapter than the previous two//


Eva traipsed around Lidl with Macy, looking for some kind of snack satisfying the needs of teenage junk food cravings. They were waiting for a lift back from town, after a trip to the cinema. Eva looked down at her phone and quicky saw around 15 messages from Ria all saying the same thing :


Worried, Eva scrolled down her phone, to see what had caused her friend so much distress and what she saw caused her heart to sink and curse aloud.
"Oh shit!"
Macy immediately turned around, "What's up?"

"Ria's mum found her diary, and found out about her and Ezra," she breathed, visibly worried. "Ria's really upset, she's been crying and she doesn't know what to do, she doesn't want to break up with him, I think she's having a bit of a meltdown."

"What exactly did it say, in her diary?" Macy asked.

"That she was with Ezra in the library and that she wanted to kiss him, apparently her mum ranted her a lot for that bit and went on about the values of being Muslim. I'm sure she can just play it off like she just had a crush on him or something. She's really upset, she keeps saying how she loves him and she doesnt want to lose him."

"God, that's so shitty. What is she doing now is she okay?"

"She said that she's watching kids movies and just feels kinda numb, oh fuck how did this happen, her mum shouldnt have even read her diary."


The following day, in the canteen, Eva glanced across the table and saw Ezra with his arm around Ria, whilst she wore his hoodie. Any other day, this would be a normal sight, but Eva could see Ezra's solemn face and Ria's watery eyes and knew they were later going to talk to decided their fate. As soon as Eva's mind had wondered to how miserable her best friend looked, Ria burst into to tears and cried into the table, heavily and for the most part silently. Eva looked on in sympathy, as Macy awkwardly slipped a tissue into Ria's hand and Ezra stroked her hair soothingly, looking stony-faced.


After school, the whole group, were settled into the bean bags of the library and Eva noticed how Ria and Ezra were whispering feverishly in low voices and it was obvious they were talking about the future of their relationships and she hoped whatever happened it was for the best. She looked over at Aaron, who'd been informed as to what was happening via Eva, was taking the floor of conversation, in the most attention grabbing way possible, possibly to distract from Ria and Ezra's melancholy faces. In an instant the couple hugged, kissed and turned back to the rest of the group.

"You okay?", Aaron asked Ria.

"Yeah, but emotionally unstable, I could probably cry on demand, if I wanted to, haha," she laughed shakily in response.

"I'll take that bet," said Aaron and in matter of about 10 seconds tears had emerged from Ria's eyes. Eva was impressed, but was no longer worried. She knew everything was okay for now.

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