Chapter 10

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//Eva pictured above//


Eva glanced at the time. 1:40 am . She knew it was probably a bad idea to stay up this late on a school night, but she was determined to beat Aaron's this time.

Aaron and Eva had a long running bet to compete to see which one of them could finish a season of a TV show first. Eva had lost the last one because of her parent stunning her WiFi off at 10pm, to try and make her sleep early. It had not worked.

She still stayed up texting Aaron and Macy (until Macy fell asleep because Macy was responsible). She couldn't really speak to Ria since she didn't have a phone and had no WiFi, so she mainly spoke to Aaron.

He was funny and stupid and just... there was something about him, that she couldn't quite place that made her drawn to him. Because of this she liked him. A lot. And now he wasn't coming into school because he wasn't well. Only 4 days and she missed him so fucking much, with his stupid face and dorky smile, constantly messaging him during lessons, when teachers weren't paying attention.

She turned her thoughts back to the matter at hand and continued to watch TV until 4am.


//Still Eva//

After several hours of schooling and very little hours of sleep, due to her bet with Aaron, Eva was incredibly bemused that today was the day that all of her art coursework needed to  be handed in, which of course meant that instead of taking a nap in the comfy beanbags of the library, Eva had to spend her after-school with Macy and Ria finishing their work which they had put off for so long.

After School they reluctantly dragged themselves to the art block along with two tag-alongs, Blue and Ezra. Blue was a close friend of Ria's and was also part of the very extended group. In the art rooms everyone was incredibly frantic , trying to finish all they needed before the time ran out. Macy was putting the finishing touches on her model. Ria had enlisted Ezra and Blue to help her cut things out and Eva herself was trying to finish her final piece.

When there was barely any time left, the three girls rushed everything, until Ria could not stop laughing at something Macy had said. She went on laughing for a good 5 minutes somehow managing to get glue on her hair in the process. Eva shook her head in amusement, thinking that she was probably just nervous, knowing that Ezra and Ria had barely spoken two words to each other.

Eva thought about Aaron as they waited at the bus stop and how far he had gotten through their bet. She was determined that this time he would not win. As they all clambered on the bus, they met Mia, who had been after-school for some kind of music thing.

Ria had got on the bus last, as she was saying goodbye to Ezra. As she walked towards them she squealed, "We finally fucking kissed!!!!"

//Also I'd like suggestion s for the name of this story because I think it needs a bit of a change//

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