Chapter 12

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// Very sorry about the extremely slow updates, however I have started sixth form and it is rather hectic , as well as my phone being broken and I'm writing this to procrastinate my several loads of homework and also dedicating it to Connor, who I know has been looking forward to another chapter, even if he just finds it amusing. This is super crappy, sorryyy :)



It was nearing the end of February and Macy was honestly , so close to a mental breakdown. Constant homework from teachers reminding them not to forget to revise as well as do, the truck-load of homework they set. Like she didn't have enough to fucking worry about being teenagers.

Eva had been at a constant make-up and break up with Aaron. Him standing her up one minute and kissing her the next and leading her on with all of his "inconsistent feelings", it was all so fucking confusing, meanwhile Macy was there stuck with no one and nothing, but her fucking self. Ria and Ezra were making out constantly since they started "officially" going out and she honestly could not stand the PDA, it was growing more annoying by the second and half term could not come soon enough. Macy was so fucking tired of it all.

Art was getting more and more stressful and she knew that Eva and Ria agreed, especially since we were getting all kind of coursework from our teachers and they were barely able to keep up with it all. On top of it all, her parents were hounding me for not doing enough revision. As if she wasnt trying.

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