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"What...? How...? Why...?" Draco hears Harry stutter and lets his hand fall lightly to his side, nobody ever saw it except for Pansy, who helped keep it covered to begin with, it's funny that the second person to ever see that scar is Harry Potter.

He remembers how it was, Draco marked Umbridge down as a horrible person from the moment she finished her speech in the opening feast. Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged had sounded like a very bad note to start the school year with, besides her clases were terrible, he wasn't learning anything at all, and with the way his father had been behaving now that the Dark Lord was back it felt more important than ever that Draco learned to fight, to defend himself. That's why when the Inquisitorial Squad came up and both Umbridge and his father ordered him to join he had refused, he didn't know exactly in who's side he was, but he was pretty sure he was not on Umbridges, but then, what he wanted hadn't mattered much, and his freedom to decide for himself was taken from him once again, that's when he had gotten the scar.

Draco can't really tell if his father knew or if it was him that gave the order, maybe Umbridge was acting on her own, all Draco knew was that she had approached him one day when he was walking back to the common room with Crabbe and Goyle, she had urged both of them on and then told him about his detentions, they had been on things like not handing in one of her essays or complaints from Professor McGonagall but Draco had known the true motives, they were written all over that sick smile she always wore on her face, if he wouldn't join her by the good way, she'd have to teach him to obey... and so she had done.

"Well" Draco starts "let's say that I didn't join the Inquisitorial Squad by choice".

Draco can't tell what's going through Harry's mind but if his eyes are any indicator it's not good at all, Draco loves how easy it is to read this boy, the fact that he's not conscious that his emotions show across his face, that he feels no need to hide them, he was never taught to do so.

"I said no at first, but Umbridge didn't like that, my father also ordered it, and he didn't like my answer any better than she did, so, you know how it works..." Draco keeps going and points at Harry's hand absentmindedly.

"Did you...?" Harry seems to think about his question and rephrases "why didn't you say anything?".

Draco smiles, although not a happy smile and shrugs "I guess for the same reasons you did it, or didn't do it, for that matter. It would have meant letting her win, giving her the satisfaction of knowing she had gotten to me, besides, who would I tell? Father... he would have ordered it probably if he knew, mother couldn't have done anything... Snape? Dumbledore? Would anyone believe me? I don't think so, so I kept it to myself, it wasn't that bad, once I was in I thought maybe I could ruin it for her from the inside, but I never got the chance..." Draco trails off it had been a weird time for him, all the interrogations he sat through, patrolling and knocking off points, but he was mad, at Umbridge for all of this and at himself for allowing her to treat him like a puppet.

"Where you angry?" Harry asks and Draco nods slowly, he was angry, but then again, he had been for a long time, but it felt different, the anger seemed hotter, explosive, an accident waiting to happen "it's nice to know I was not the only one".

"I'm sorry for everything I said during that horrible quidditch match, I know it was not right, but I just didn't seem to be able to control it".

Draco had spent a while thinking about that encounter, even after the pain subsided and the bruises faded he couldn't stop thinking about what pushed him to say such terrible things, and why to Potter? he had been thinking about the boy for years, damn it; he had been daydreaming about him, and of course he wasn't always nice but he always took that extra effort not to say something over the line, but then that day, he had gotten an owl from home during breakfast, father told him he would be gone for a while, for the Dark Lord was waiting for all of his old followers and looking for new ones to start his move on the magical world, and was delighted to hear the Ministry was denying it all, the note was signed with a small -obey Umbridge and keep out of trouble- no mention of mother whatsoever, and then Umbridge had wished him luck right before the game, as if he wanted her talking to him, as if she expected it to be a compliment... losing the game had been only a drop to many into the already full glass, if was frustrating not being good enough, even in the only thing that was bringing him happiness during that time, and then Potters euphoria had just snapped something inside him... Harry's and the Weasley's punches hadn't even hurt, he was numb, not enough to not fight back, even though it was a very uneven fight, but still the sharp emotions in his chest had hurt twice as much, leaving him almost breathless, he almost welcomed the physical pain, it helped to concentrate in something else, a distraction... after 4th year that was what Draco was living from, distractions.

"You're forgiven, I know you didn't mean them".

"I sure as hell didn't mean them" he had only been looking for a fight, for a reaction, to try and squeeze a reaction out of the boy he just would never have, and he had gotten one, yeah he had, a couple punches and the most hateful stare he had received up until then, and then Umbridge had banned Harry from playing quidditch [I loved watching him play] Draco lets out a small sigh "I was looking for a distraction".

Draco's voice breaks a little at the end and he hates it, that small proof of weakness.

He looks down when he feels it, Harry has closed the few inches of space that were between them and interlaced his fingers with Draco's own, the warmth spreading through his body and the tingles starting to creep up his arm are amazing.

[Maybe] he thinks to himself [this would have worked so much better than all of my distractions].


A whole week! In so sorry! It's just crazy to be back home and I've been so busy! Where are you guys from?

And besides I'm kind of out of ideas, and we are approaching the end of the story, which makes me so sad):

Sorry if it's kind of short, or bad):

As always! Thank you for reading! Each read, vote and comment make me very happy! In glad you're enjoying the story!

I hope you'll keep on doing it!

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