Chapter 10

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We watched two more movies and then I decided I better go to my house because I can't stay here forever though I wish I could, actually I don't even know where I am to get to my parent's house. I asked Ryan what the address was so I can figure out where I am, when he said it I was shocked and walked to the back door to see, pushing the curtain aside it was right there! I started laughing, "My house is right there! And I never noticed that tree was right there, I could climb the tree to the roof and climb through my window up there, avoiding my drunk parents altogether!! And that also means I could come over whenever and they wouldn't know!" I was really excited, how had I never noticed the tree on the back side of the house before, that's my way to avoid getting insulted every night.

I said bye and started walking to the tree, I was going to test out my theory tonight and get to my room. Turning around I saw Ryan watching me from his porch (well if I fell out of the tree at least one person would know and come help). I started climbing, it was an easy tree to climb actually there were a lot of thick branches for me to grab hold of and I could stand on them without them snapping. I made it about 3/4 of the way up the tree when I got to the roof and jumped over, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and when I saw it was a message from Ryan I opened it. Nice climbing Ruby. Come back over tomorrow and we can continue our Disney marathon! :P I waved at him and sent another message: Course. Anything to get away from this house I'll meet you at the door once I wake up. I looked up and he waved back to me before heading inside, I looked up at the sky seeing the stars and it looked beautiful tonight I just wanted to lay on the roof and star gaze for hours but I didn't I went inside and went to sleep.

I woke up to Victorious from Panic! at the Disco, and I felt pretty victorious today because I was going over to Ryan's and we were going to continue our marathon of Disney movies singing every song as loud and out of key as possible trying to make the other person laugh. I climbed out my window once I got dressed and ready, jumping from branch to branch (I almost missed one in my hurry to get down) then I practically ran over to his back door. Ryan's dad answered the door when I knocked and said he was still asleep but I was free to wake him up if I wanted. I walked up the stairs to his room, knocking in case he actually was awake but I didn't hear an answer so I walked in. Ryan was sprawled out with one arm hanging over the side of the bed and one under his pillow, I walked over and started shaking him while he groaned and put his head under his pillow to try ignoring me then I started poking him and he said, "Go away dad!!" I started laughing and he stopped trying to push me away while I said, "Well if you really want me to leave I guess I'll just go downstair-" he didn't even let me finish as I was trying to act like I was walking away he grabbed me and yanked me onto the bed, I was forced to lay down because he wouldn't let me go. Trying to struggle did nothing, I was stuck! "Let me go! We are supposed to be watching movies come on!" He groaned but let me go and sat up stretching. His hair was all over the place, I ruffled it more and he got up, chasing me down the stairs. I ran and hid behind Ryan's dad saying, "Help! I've angered the beast!" He laughed at that "Children children! Stop running in the house, Ryan stop chasing your sister! Ruby what did you do to your brother?!" At that moment Ryan managed to catch my arm and pulled me in messing up my hair, he laughed while I screamed because I couldn't pull away fast enough. He would've caught me eventually but I didn't think it would've been that quick!! Once he let me go he laughed at my hair (I can only imagine the damage he did) I tried fixing it with my fingers calling him a jerk like sisters do to their big brothers when they do something they don't like and made my way to the living room to start our lazy movie weekend. Ryan and his dad weren't that far behind me with popcorn and candy. Because yeah that's what we are going to eat for breakfast we are just going to have chocolate and popcorn and soda and it's not even 9:00 yet, we are crazy but oh well.

We sang to the movies threw popcorn at each other and I didn't leave to go to my parents house until close to midnight. We did the same thing on Sunday also and I must say this has been the best three days ever! Before I left Ryan told me to meet at the gate separating our yards in the morning and we could walk together to school, I fell into bed with a smile on my face and soon fell asleep.

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