Chapter 17

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This time I woke up with my entire body in pain and when I opened my eyes I was in a white room, a hospital. Then I remembered what happened and I tried getting up to look for Ryan, that's when I noticed I wasn't alone in the room. There was an officer in the room with me and she pushed me back down gently so I wouldn't get hurt, I had to make sure Ryan was okay though. "I don't care if I am in pain! Where is Ryan, I need to make sure he's okay?!" I was so worried I was probably yelling but oh well I needed to see him. The officer looked at me saying, "Is Ryan the young man you were brought in with? I will ask the doctors if that's okay after you answer my questions okay?" I nodded because I had no choice.
"Where were the two of you going so late at night?" "We were heading to the park, we used to go there when we were in high school late at night."
"Could you describe the vehicle that hit you?" "Not only could I describe it I can tell you who's it is. It's a yellow pick up truck that belongs to Cole Springs, he went to high school with us."
"Do you know where Mr. Springs lives?" I just shook my head.
"Would he have a motive to want to do this to you?" "He was mine and Ryan's high school bully until we stood up to him. He might've been drunk though his headlights seemed to be swerving before we were hit. Can I see Ryan now?!"

She walked out of the room to go talk to the doctors so I could be cleared to walk around. When they all came back into my room the doctors and nurses started checking my vitals and unhooking me from the heart monitor and my IV, they refused to let me walk though and brought a wheelchair in and helped me to sit down. I was being pushed down the hall to another room and when I went in there was Ryan. He was hooked up to life support and his eyes were closed but his heart was beating normally so that's good. They wheeled me over to the side of his bed and I could see that something wasn't right, he was too pale, he had a massive bruise on the back of his neck where the hospital gown didn't come up all the way and he had cuts on his face from when he hit the ground I'm guessing. I grabbed his hand that wasn't connected to an IV and started getting worried, his hand was like ice, I looked over at the heart monitor again. It keeps saying his heart is beating fine but then why don't I feel a pulse. Maybe I'm still just out of it from being hit by a truck, I'm sure he'll be okay. The door opened but I was too focused on Ryan until I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around I saw Dad and he looked shaken up. I tried giving him a hug but it was a little hard with the wheelchair, I could only hug him around his waist and I had tears in my eyes. What if Ryan doesn't get better? What if he's in a coma for the rest of his life? I felt dad's hand on my head, calming me down because I had started shaking trying to hold back from sobbing. I let go of him and turned back to Ryan, grabbing his hand again like I did after we were hit, "Ryan please don't leave me like this! I said I wanted us to be best friends till one of us died but I didn't want it to be so soon. Please wake up I need you here!" I kissed his hand because that's the only thing I could reach, "I love you Ryan don't go."

Just then the heart monitor flatlined beeping, all the doctors and nurses ran in shooing us into the hall. I started crying more as I was being rolled out, Ryan no! Don't leave me! I could hear the doctors trying to bring him back in the room, I could hear them yelling "Clear!" and I could hear the defibrillator paddles and I could hear the steady shrill beep of the heart monitor on a heart that had stopped pumping. The next thing I hear is "Time of death 1:38 AM." The doctors covered Ryan's head with the blanket on the bed then walked out to us. Although they kept saying they were sorry for our loss I didn't hear them. I didn't hear anything except "Time of death 1:38 AM." It echoed in my mind and my body had gone numb to everything going on around me I was choking on my tears and I felt like I was trapped in a small room with no air. I had to get away from here but I couldn't move.


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