# Chapter 7 : Best day ever

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Jessy's POV

Beep beep beep

There goes my alarm again, and I'm gonna go through another day of hell. Oh wait, I think the twins are gonna help me out with my mess, I really want to get out of here. Hope their father let them. I'll look through my massages on Instagram. Holy cow, I've got so many massages and followers. I have 19M!!! That's so...... Weird, I never thought of being famous. Then here I am, having 19M followers. People know me, but I don't know them, it's weird to think about it. *Pling* Its av massage from Marcus, it says:

Marcus: Hey girl, is your dad at home? See you at home?

Me: Yeah, we're both at home, y you ask?

Marcus: Just gonna come by and pick you up, and my dad's gonna talk to your dad. You finish packing, right?

Me: Yeah, finished with the packing and thank you.

Marcus: it's alright, where do you live?

Me: Pineapple street 10 ( Took a random address name )

Marcus: 😂😂, ok, we're coming

After 15 min the bell rang, and my dad went to answer it. I went downstairs and listened to the conversation.

K-E: Hei, is your daughter at home?

Dad: Yeah, you need her now?

K-E: Not now, but can your daughter live with us? We'll take care of her and give her a good life. She would have a good career and all that stuff, if she is with my family. Since my boys are also famous it will be good if she comes with us too.

Dad: Are you sure? She is annoying and can't do much. But if you want it's up to her.

Dad look at my direction, that look that says "you don't dare to go!!" But I don't care, I want to go, far far away from here. So I had a big smile on me.

Me: Yeah, I would live to come with you guys.

Dad: Okay, now get your things and get out!

I already had my things with me, so walked towards them happily. Both of the boys seems happy too. I looked at dad one last time, and he gave me a death stare, I quickly looked away. Then out I came, out of the living hell. He shut the door with a loud BANG.

K-E: Hi, nice to see you again, my boys told me about your life. And I really feel sorry for you, so I can take care of you and give you a good life now.

Me: *Smile happily* Thank you so much for helping all of you!! Couldn't make it without you all.

Martinus: Om happy that we can live together, it'll be exciting!!

Marcus: Yeah, I am looking forward too!!

Me: Me too, living with my idol. It's crazy to think about it!!

K-E: We can leave the talking in the car, now we have a plane to catch.

Boys and me: Ok

After arriving home

Omg!! There house is so big, it's nothing like what I am used to. This is amazing!! Now, I'm gonna meet Gerd-Anne and Emma.

G-A: Hey there, you are Jessy, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Gerd-Anne. I'm looking forward to know you, and welcome home, honey.

Me: Nice to meet you too. Thank you very much, I'm looking forward too. Hi, Emma! I'm Jessy, nice to meet you.

Emma: Hey, Jessy. Glad to meet you, we can play sometime, right?

Me: Hahaha, yeah, sure!

Emma: Yes!! Now I have someone to play with, I don't have to bother the boys anymore.

G-A: Okay, now let Jessy rest and pack the things out. I'll call you when the diner is ready, k?

Me: Yes, thank you. See you.

K-E: Boys, can you two show where Jessy's room is?

M&M: Yes, come.

They said as they were ready to carry my things, but I gave them a glare.

Me: I can take my bag, myself. Not to be rude, but when I can do it myself, I'll do it.

M&M: hahaha, ok, come

Me: Yup, coming

We went upstairs and they took me to a room, the room was big and perfect. I love it!! And I began to imagine where things should be.

Marcus: So, here is your room and if you need anything, my room is on the right of your room. Martinus's room is on the left.

Me: *give a smile* Thanks both of you. See you later?

Martinus: Yup, see you

I went in and closed the door, and began to pack things out. I also decorated the room. Woundering about, if I should put those M&M posters on the wall. Well, y not? After that, I'm all finish, but G-A isn't done yet. Maybe I can help her out in the kitchen? Yeah, let's do it. I went downstairs and looked for her in the kitchen.

Me: Do you need any help?

G-A: oh, hey, you finish packing out things already??!

Me: Yeah, I'm all done. So since you're not yet finish, I thought that I could help you out.

G-A: aww... Such a nice girl you are. Hope one of them get you.

After she said that, I began to blush. I mean, she accepted me already.

Me: Umm. What can I help you with?

G-A: You can cut the vegetables, thanks

While curing, we were talking all the way. She reminds me of my mom, i feel safe here. We talked about my family and school, basically everything. So, after we were done, I went to tell the boys that dinner is ready.

Skip diner

Finally I'm full, and I feel so tired now. Want to sleep. But, I'll help G-A to clean up.

All: Talk for maten ( Thank you for the food )

G-A: You guys can go sleep, leave it to me.

Then, after she said that the boys looked very tired and went upstairs.

M&M: Good night, Jessy.

Me: Sweet dreams!!

Me: G-A, you need help to clean up?

G-A: No, it's okay, I can do it. You are so kind, even though you are tired, you still want to help. Go and sleep you too, Good night

Me: Ok, then. Good night

Today, was my happiest day ever. Ever since my mom died, I haven't been so happy. Best day ever!!



Omg!!! Their new song. Its so good!! Listen to it. Klick the video on the top.

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