# Chapter 18

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Mac: Hey Jess. Are you ready? Tinus went to school first, don't need to worry. He'll get over it

Jessy's POV

After breakfast, me and Mac went to school together. Then I saw Tinus standing there, with the girl that he kissed yesterday. I don't know what I feel right now, but I was for sure heartbroken, I just looked away. My whole world is spinning, but I have to keep my act up, need to be strong now that I'm in school. I don't want to make fool of myself. I feel Mac's hand holding mine, suddenly all that sadness went away. Just him holding my hand makes me feel much better, I looked at Mac and smiled. Soon the bell rang, we all got inside. Sadly, my seat was beside Tinus, I hope things get better soon. 

After class

Well that was the worst class I've ever been in. Don't know why, but I felt relief washed over me, sure I still love Tinus, but ugh.....IDK!! Suddenly I feel someone cover my eyes and whispered "Hey, pretty"

Me: Mac!! You scared the world out of me!! 

Mac: Hahaha

Me: Not funny!

Then I acted like I was angry at him, and looked the other way.

Mac: Jess, don't be like that, I'm sorry

Me: You actually apologized, haha

Mac: No, really, I'm sorry. I would kill myself if you are angry at me.

Me: Um....Ti....Tinus broke up with m...me

Mac: OMG, what!! That guy really have some attitude!! It'll be alright, I'm right here if you need me.

Me: Thanks

The school went on like usual, but it was Mac that is with me and not Tinus. Now, I'm actually packing for my "holiday",but more like work.

I finally can get some alone time, time to think.

Gerd-Anne: Jessy, are you ready it's time to go.

Me: Yes, I'll just need some food.

Gerd-Anne: I've made food for you, you can eat in the car, let's go.

I followed her down stairs, while she took my suitcase. When we were at the door, both Mac and Tinus stood there. Then they gave me and Gerd-Anne a hug each, while hugging, both Mac and Tinus whispered something in my ear.

Mac: Good luck, have fun. Love you

To answer Mac, I just gave a smile towards him. He really do love me, it's crazy how much he love me, want me. But, I guess that's what love is. Then, Tinus.

Tinus: I'm sorry for everything, hope you'll have great time.

I just gave nod to Tinus, and immediately went into the car. I did not even gave him a smile and good bye, I  just left. It will be a 6 hours ride. In the car, I thought of the apologize he said, but he just said sorry. He did not want me anymore? Well, this is confusing, tiredly, I slowly drifted to sleep. 

As soon as I woke up, we're here, the car stopped and I saw that Gerd-Anne was about to wake me up, but I was faster. I've never been a heavy sleeper, so once the car stopped, I woke up.

Gerd-Anne: Glad to see that you're awake. Let's go, before we're being surrounded by the people.

Me: Yes *smile*

When the time we got out of the parking place, there was a bunch of people waiting for me. People screaming my name, asking for pictures, gave gifts to me and some were even crying. It's strange to see people crying for you, it is. The most important thing is that they are happy to have me, happy for that I exist. 

It sure took time to get us to my hotel room, people were crazy! But it was fun in someway, it's like they would do anything to be near me. I am sharing a room with Gerd-Anne and the room was beautiful just as I imagined it would be. 2 queen size bed, a big bathroom, and a kitchen, I honestly couldn't ask for more. 

Once we settled, I took a bath to refresh myself and prepare myself for the interview tonight. My choice is to wear normal cloths that I normally wears, then a bit makeup, and off we  go. When I got out again, people were everywhere, but luckily, we made it to the car. Gerd-Anne started to drive and people were still not giving up on chasing, so I gave a warm smile towards them. After 10 min of driving, we arrived. I was ready.

Reporter (or whatever it is called): So Jessy, people had been talking about you lately. You've gained so many fans, how do you feel?

Me: Well, I'm super happy. Thank you very much for all the support, I really appreciate that, thank you again.

Reporter:  This is your first time having concert, is it? How many do you think would be there?

Me: Honestly, I don't know. Maybe 300? Yeah. 

Reporter: I think it would be much more people than you think.

Me: We'll see tomorrow.

Reporter: So, here are some questions from your fans. What is your favorite food?

Me: Hmm.... Lasagna. 

And the interview went as smooth as Gerd-Anne said it would be, I'm exited for tomorrow.


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