# Chapter 20

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Suddenly, I got a message............

Jess POV

The message was saying:

Tinus: I just wanted to say sorry, sorry that I did not realize that you are hurt.

What am I gonna say? Forgive him? Or ignore him? You know what, I'll just ignore him. That is for the best. Maybe I can send a massage to Mac? Yeah, I'll do it.

Me: Hey buddy! how'cha doing?

I got his massage almost immediately, saying:

Mac: Fine, but I'm lonely. It's bored without you!! Come back soon! How was your day, btw? I saw your post, I wanna be there in your concert too. 

Me: Hahaha, I'll be back soon tomorrow? Yeah I think so. You have Tinus, don't you? You won't be that lonely without him, right? 

Mac: Yeah, I won't be lonely if he is with me, but the problem is that he isn't with me!! He chose rather to be with that Emily girl! 

Me: Oh...... he is still with her......... Well. you have me and I have you!..........On the phone.

Mac: Yeah.........On the phone.

Me: Tinus texted me just now, saying that he is sorry for not realizing that I was hurt.

Mac: You answered him?

Me: Nope, didn't feel like it. 

Mac: Oh......

Me: I'm really tired, see you tomorrow.

Mac: Bye, good night

I just put my phone on the side and drifted into my dreams. 

When I woke up, the first thing I was looking for was my phone. There I got 6 massages from Tinus? What does he want?

Tinus: Hey, are you still angry at me?

Tinus: Plz......Answer me

Tinus: Forgive me?

Tinus: Why are you mad?

Tinus: Hallo?

Tinus: You know, I don't think we are perfect for each other.

Me: Okay? Do what you want. Bye

I can't believe it! He wanted me to forgive him, but he said something like this!! 

Gerd-Anne:"Hey, ready to go home?"

Me:"Yeah, let's go"

I was just thinking about what Martinus said, the words are stabbing me. I put on my hoodie and some tears begin to fall. But as long as Mac is there for me, I'm fine with it. 

A/N: Sorry for not updating, here. Not a good part, but I tried.😅

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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