CH 27: Home Sweet Home

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CH 27: Home Sweet Home

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Chapter Disclaimer:

This chapter includes mature adult themes. Topics include depression, suicide, as well as adult consensual sexual situations.

At the start and end of the adult sexual situation I will use this symbol: /XXOO/

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CH 27: Home Sweet Home

Date: Early June +o+ Baby is 8+ months old

^^ Next Day^^

*Tobias POV*

I breathe in and out as I quickly walk down Michigan Avenue. I was released from the hospital hours before anyone expected. The doctor doing the final review of my test results and injuries ended up doing rounds much earlier than scheduled.

Tris had agreed to bring Andy and meet up with me when I was released from the hospital, but when I called her with the sudden news that I was leaving right then, she sounded like she was caught off guard. Lately, I find myself overanalyzing the tone of every word that leaves her mouth.

The truth is, I'm not quite sure where we stand. And that makes me both nervous and heartbroken.

Tris told me on the phone that she and Andy had just arrived at Millennium Park, but that I should wait for her while she packed him up and rushed over to the hospital. Instead, I told her I'd leave on my own and just join them at the park.

As I arrive at the park, I'm reminded of our first real date — it feels like a lifetime ago. Millennium Park has been fully renovated and restored since then. I quickly scan the lawn, looking for Tris and Andy as I walk towards the mammoth metal structure. I know she has set up a blanket and an umbrella to help block the sun, so I should be able to spot her easily.

My heart thumps loudly in my chest when I see them. Tris has Andy in the center of the blanket and is feeding him an early lunch of baby food from a jar. Her back is to me, so I stand back and watch them for a few minutes. In this moment, I vow to do whatever it takes not to lose her — not to lose them. My family.

Tris is wearing khaki shorts and a navy tank top, her hair up in a messy bun. The baby is wearing shorts and a onesie, and his little shoes are off, tossed to the side. She laughs and teases the baby sweetly, while he looks at his mother with adoration. Her concentration is on Andy; she has not looked around for me even once. I push away my desire to scrutinize her actions.

"Tris," I announce myself as I step closer to them. She tenses at hearing my voice. "Hey," I say nervously as I arrive at the edge of their blanket.

I watch as she steadies herself before looking up at me. "Hi, Tobias," she says cheerfully. Almost too cheerfully. I can see that her eyes look so sad, which in turn makes me sad.

I lean down and kiss her on the cheek; she then averts her eyes back to the baby. She is still upset with me, that much is clear.

"May I join you both?" I ask hesitantly, uncertain enough that I don't want to just assume.

"Of course." She clears a space for me on the blanket, away from her so that Andy and his diaper bag are in the middle. "Andy is almost done with his snack, and then I know he would like a big hug and kiss from his daddy."

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