TGWOD chapter 30

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Stiles and Lydia were sat at the table surrounded by books and thankfully they had the book that they had given as a gift.

With the description that Jackson had given, its habitat and what the beta who raised his hand had said they had pinpointed what the creature was. It was a fae and a Korrigan to be exact.

Lydia was looking at the book and saying

"It says here that they are a Breton fae. What are they doing in England? I suppose we aren't that far from France here and it's a water fairy."

Phil and Derek entered and Derek said

"What's a water fairy?"

Stiles turned round and answered

"The thing that attacked you, it's a Korrigan, a member of the water fae"

Derek nodded and added

"And how do we kill it?".

Stiles get up from his seat and grabbed Derek by both arms and shook him

"You do nothing, this thing kills only male prey but using its siren song to lure the men to the water. It then drags them under the water to devour them. You don't need another magical creature getting in your head so you're sitting this one out. Only female wolves will deal with this and Lydia. Let's see what the Fae thinks when she has to face our Lydia."

Lydia smiled and pulled out a collapsible mace out of her bag

"She won't know what hit her".

Derek grabbed his mate, pulled him into his lap and kissed him

"Okay, Stiles, what's the plan?".

The plan turned out to work perfectly

One of the male betas that was already under the influence of the Korrigan was lead out close to the water's edge by a group of female betas. They made it look like the male beta was dragging them there.

They heard the Korrigan's song and the male doubled his efforts to get to the water. When the fae appeared immediately in front of them to take the male, Lydia let out a Banshee scream to which the fairy just collapsed on the floor together with the betas. Lydia, while still screaming hit the Korrigan over the head with her mace leaving it unconscious on the floor.

When it was unconscious, the betas dragged it into an iron cage that was iron on all sides with an iron floor and placed it on a bed of salt so that there was no water anywhere near it. They then left the fae in its cage with no access to the water in the full sun. After a few hours it had shrivelled up and by the end of the day it was dead.

When the fae was dead the spell on the three betas was lifted and they could be freed.

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