Start of School

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Killer woke up to the sound of his annoying alarm clock going off. He slipped out of bed, quickly dressing himself before rushing out his bedroom door. He popped a piece of toast into the toaster as he packed his belonging into his black and blue bag.

"Mom, I'm heading to school!" Killer shouted down the hall as his toast finished. He shoved it in his mouth, knowing he wouldn't earn no reply from his sleeping parent. He ran out of his house and down to the bus stop, only to be greeted by his other nerdy friends. They began to discuss the new Mew-Mew Kissy Cutie episode, until they jocks came, and they ceased their talking. They resorted to the group chat on their phones.

Kills: Why do we stop talking when the jocks come by?

Mew-mew: Cause, they're scary and it's wierd to talk in front of them.

Skittles: Yeah, that about sums it up.


Blooky: You don't have to type in all caps, ya know.


Skittles: It's true. He's constantly screaming at the top of his lungs.


Kills: He's got a point. How do we even exist?

Skittles: Ask the science teacher. I honestly could give less of a fuck.

Mew-mew: Really? I thought I said no cursing!

Kills: You did.

Blooky: We just don't care.

Mew-mew: Curse you all.

Kills: Fuck you, too.

Alphys then proceeded to whack Killer up side the head with her text, mumbling a bout his stupidity. The jocks looked shocked as Killer only glared daggers at the yellow lizard. She stuck out her tongue, before returning to her phone.

Skittles: Ow.

Mew-mew: You'll get one, too. So don't worry.

Blooky: Can you even hit me?

Mew-mew: I'll find a way. I promise you, I will find a way to harm you.

Skittles: Did you just threaten Blooky?

Mew-mew: Oh, fuck off!

Kills: Hypocrite.

Mew-mew: Screw it! You can openly curse!

Kills: Then apologize for whacking my skull!

Mew-mew: Hell no!

Skittles: Bus is here.

Blooky: Later.

Paps: BYE!

Mew-mew: Were getting on the same bus together, ya retards.

Kills: Whatever.

Skittles: I regret every life choice I've ever made!

Mew-mew: Really?

Killer took his seat next to Fresh, Alphys and Paps sitting across from them and Blooky in front, alone in his seat. They began to converse about the movie night they were having tomorrow on Friday, and unfortunately, the jocks over heard. They joked about it being a sleepover for nerds.

"So, Soul Eater, Kill La Kill, and then Future Diary, right?" Fresh asked, naming off the animes they were gonna bindge on. They nodded as the bus came to a stop. They waited for the jocks to get off, before filing off themselves.

Paper Jam became interested in the animes they were watching and searched up the names by sound.

Soul Eater: Bloody Anime

That didn't surprise him. He thought it was just one.

Kill La Kill: Even Bloodier Anime

This caught him off gaurd, but he kept his cool. But the next one caught him off gaurd.

Future Diary: Bloodiest anime. Viewer disgretion is advised.

He had calm demeanor on the outside, but was completely flipping out in his mind. Undyne sensed his distress and asked what was wrong. He showed her the search results and he face shifted from worried to horrified.

"Nerds watch this?!" She whisper shouted, pointing at his phone with the search results for 'Future Diary'. PJ explained how he'd heard the nerds mention it on the bus and became curious so he searched it up. And boy did he regret it." Aren't nerds supposed to be innocent?!"

"I know!" PJ said, snagging his phone backs as a teacher passed by. He deleted his history, and they went to class, shocked. PJ sat down next to Fresh, Undyne to Alphys, like they were supposed to. Fresh and Alphys were preparing their stuffs while Undyne and PJ tried to cat as cool as possible. A new student came in, walked up to Killer, and began speaking with him.

"Eeeyyy, boi!" He exclaimed, holding out his hand. Killer stared at the him, completely baffled by his behaviour. The boy smiled happily at the confused one, dropping his hand." I'm new, and I'm in Mr.NM's class. Everyone says your his favorite!"

"Oh, I feel bad for you! Mr. NM is no joke! He feeds off the misery of his students." Killer said, flashing him a sinister smile." One little fuck up and you're done for!"

And he runs away in 3...2...1...

"Sheesh, what a nightmare, am I right?" Outer joked, shrugging his shoulders and casting his glance the other way. Killer stared at him for a moment, before bursting into a fit of laughter. The boy smiled at him.

"That was good." Killer commented. The boy stuck out his tongue in an attempt to pout, which he failed miserably at. Killer chuckled a little.

"I'll have you know I'll be a big comideian one day! And my will will be..." He paused, drumming his fingers on his desk for extra affect, making Killer roll his eyes. "I need a life."

"Pfft, haha! That's not wrong!" Killer laughed, clutching his sides in laughter. Anime tears streamed down the other male's face.

"Why you laughing???" He asked. He quickly regained his composure and held out his hand, bowing dramatically.

"I guess you'll make an ok comideian. I'm Killer." Killer said, shaking his hand and introducing himself. The boy smiled and giggled giddy, almost as if he was drunk.

"The names Outer." The boy, Outer, stated, shaking his hand happily. Mr. Nightmare had listened to their entire interaction and didn't mind what Killer said, but what he hated was the way Killer seemed so at ease around him, how he laughed when he told jokes. He almost felt...jealous. He shook his head, removing thought. Killer was his best student, he wasn't in love with him, but just cared about his safety. Yeah, that was it.

"Hey Killer, do you have my notes from the study group? I can't find them." Fresh asked, walking up to said boy while flipping through a folder. Killer snapped his fingers, digging through his back pack and pulling out a few sheets of paper.

"Here." Killer said, handing him the paper. Without looking up from the folder, he snagged the paper and shoved them in the part of the folder he wasn't paying attention to. Outer held out his hand.



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