Just Kiss!

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Killer and Fresh were sitting in Killer's living room, a game of chess between the two. Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door, startling them both. Killer looked up at the clock, only to realize he had study group with PJ and Outer, which was perfect. He could finally get Fresh and PJ together, while he got Outer for some alone time all go himself.

"Coming~" Killer sang in a sing-song voice as he came to the door, he opened his to reveal a bored looking PJ and a over excited Outer. Nothing new. Killer allows them in and lead them into the living room, where Fresh was.

PJ's face dusted purple.

Fresh was in a green tank-top and shorts that stopped at the knee. His glasses lay carelessly at his side, his hand turned side ways as his eyes sparkled with their usual evil glint, with a small smirk hinting his face.

Killer said he was gonna make cookies, and asked if Outer would like to join him. Outer nodded, completely oblivious to his boyfriend's plan. They left Fresh and PJ alone in the living room, to themselves and their thoughts.

"So, uh, how are you?" Fresh asked, breaking the ever-so-heavy silence. PJ shrugged, and the talking stopped, the unwanted stillness returning. I'm such an idiot! He probably thinks I hate him! PJ thought, hurt flashing in his eyes at the thought. Then he remembered him. He didn't know who him was, but he hated them already. They were the person Fresh at set their sights on, the person who took his heart- and PJ wanted to be that person. He just didn't know he already was.

"Killer, how are you and Outer doing?" PJ called into the kitchen. But what he really wanted stillask ask was will you come back?! It's too awkward! But he couldn't, because that would seem rude.

"It takes time, dumbass!" Killer shouted back, the clanking of metal, followed by multiple swear words from Killer, and laughing from Outer. Fresh and PJ exchanged glances, before bursting into fits of laughter.

PJ's laughter died down, though, Fresh continued to laugh a bit longer. His eyes began to water, and his sides hurt, but his smile didn't faltered. He looked rather cute. PJ just wanted to wrap his arms around Fresh and pull him close, and kiss him, and- Stop thinking like that! PJ shouted at himself as his face became purple.

"How much did you laugh to get your face that purple?" Fresh asked after he stopped laughing. PJ looked down on him from the couch, his eyes becoming slightly lustful as he mentally undressed him." P-PJ...?"

"Oh my God! Just kiss, already!" Killer shouted from the front of the room. Fresh and PJ's heads snapped in his direction, shock written all over their faces as their blushes increased. They began sputtering out excuses, which made Killer smirk and wah his finger." Right, no kissing until the first date!"

"That's my line, you asshat!" Fresh snarled at Killer, who shot him a dirty look. They began to bickering back and forth, butting heads as the tension in the room grew. You could feel the magic power coming off them in waves.

Then, a knock sounded at the door.

The tension remained as Killer walked to the door, Fresh boring holes through his back. Killer swung open the door and stopped it with his door. Helooked out to see who's as standing at his door step.

Anger boiled up inside Killer to the point of explosion. There standing in the door way was the two people he despised most in the world.

His Mother,

And Father.

"How are you, Killer?" His mother asked in a sugary sweet tone. Fresh came up behind him, giving his parents the meanest glare he could muster, which made them shiver in fear, much to his satisfaction. Killer was about to slam the door shut, when his father out his foot in the way, making Killer growl in annoyance.

"What?" He snapped. Outer came up behind Killer, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on top of Killer's. The parents both seem disgusted by the action, but didn't say anything against it or about it.

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