Dirty Minded

398 17 15

As they tumbled to the ground, Outer instinctively turned around and landed on top of Killer. Killer closed his eyes at impact, so he couldn't see Outer's blushing face. Outer let out a shakey breath that Killer could feel brush his lips, and even without opening his eyes, Killer could tell him and Outer's faces weren't very far apart.

"Holy..." Killer heard the famliar voice of his best friend whisper as the snap of a carmera sounded. Killer's eyes flew open, and landed on said person, who was covering their mouth with their hand, phone in the the other.

"DUST!" Killer roared, trying to get up and only ending up smacking skulls with Outer, causing Outer to flip off him, groaning in pain while holding his forehead. Killer ignored the stinging pain and leapt up, charging straight for Dust, who was frantically typing something. Dust finished just as Killer tackled him to the ground, making hm phone fly out of his hand. Killer began to relentlessly and mercilessly pounding his fists onto Dust, who was laughing uncontrollably." I hate you, you asshole!"

"Pfft, that's a lie!" Dust defended, shoving Killer off, picking up his phone, and running for his life, Killer hot in his heels. Outer finally opened his eyes, looking up at PJ, who was holding in his laughter. The jock held out his hand and Outer took it.

"Bruh, what happened?" Outer  asked in his dazed state. He was completely confused, but the unholy screeching of what seemed to be a demon baffled him to his stary core. He looked in the direction to see a fearful looking boy running for his life from what appeared to be Killer. But what caught his attention was the male rabbit laughing his ass off as he clutched his phone in his furry hand.

"Killer was tripped, you landed on him, Dust snapped a photo and sent it to Nice Cream guy, the dude laughing, and then Dust ran for his life from a now demon Killer." Answered a voice Outer didn't recognize. He turned to see  a boy who looked a little younger than him, probably a Freshman since they mixed all the grass together for P.E. the boy had a heart for one eye and a normal one, with his hand to the side and a microphone hanging loosely from his mix-matched color filled jacket.

"You kinda look like Fresh." Outreach blurted without thinking. The younger skelton chuckled, and Outer was even more confused than he was before. I mean he wasn't lieing, they had weird resemblances.

"He's my older bro. I'm Cray." The boy, Cray, explained, extending his hand with a bright smile on his face, before he turned to PJ with a playful smirk." I dunno if you've met him, but this is PJ, and he's got a crush on my bro."

"I do not, you little-"

"HELP!" Dust screamed, rushing past them, Killer less then a second later. They were blurs but you could clearly hear Dust's cries for help and Killer's cries of anger and frustration. Cray watched with a bored gaze, his eyes half lidded, thought Outer was shocked. Was it even possible to run that fast?

"Holy fuck..." PJ whispered, watching they two run around, well, more like tried to watch the two run around. PJ didn't know nerds could even run, let alone that fast. The bell rang and the two rushed in and out of the hanging rooms at the speed of light. Cray laughed, pushing open the changing room door and walking out a few minutes later, leaving in his merry way.

Dust eventually lost Killer, and aid bit was lucky that it was free period or he'd have been ten minutes late to class. Dust was just as lucky, to not only have lost Killer, but have free time. But it went down when he ran into the sex addict- that was addicted it him and his unfortunate other half, Murder.

Killer sat in the library, reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the sixth time in a row. Outer walked into the library and spotter Killer's floody jacket right away. He ran and leapt into the comfort of the jacket, startling the poor boy, making him jump, drop his book, and yelp in surprise.

"Sh!" Goth hushed the fear filled Killer. Killer shot him a glare, before turning to Outer, who had a playful smile plastered on his face. Killer couldn't stay mad at him, even if he tried. Fresh entered the room, snapped a pic, and walked out. Killer abruptly stood up, knocking off Outer, and chasing after Fresh, who was already soeedingd down the hallway. Killer was on top of him quick. Fresh barely escaped his claws. Outer hopped into Killer again.

"Stop running away for me, Kills!" Outer whined, gently whacking the back of his skull. Killer rolled his eyes. Wait, his eyes?! His eyes only appeared when he...had feelings for someone. Killer's face heated up. It was the first day, there couldn't be anything there, right? Or was it love at first sight? He heard a round of giggles, making himself map out of his thoughts and face the sound. He looked up to see Chara (Cross! Chara) and Alphys giggling, Horror staring at them from a distance. He shrugged it off but couldn't get rid of the horrible feeling in his none-existant gut. He knew Dust and Fresh had done something, but don't know what, and that worried him.

"Wait, Kills? What?" Killed asked, confused at what Outer had called him. Outer smiled, wide and proud.

"It's your nickname!" Outer concluded. Killer sighed, not even having enough strength to argue. Outer smiled, glad his new friend didn't argue with him over something so silly. Outer then asked where science was.

"Follow me." Killer said, grabbing his hand subconsciously, dragging a blushing Outer down the hallway and to room 205.

Chara snapped a pic.

And sent it to Fresh.

Who smirked.

His plan was working effortlessly.

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