The Next Line is A Lie

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The tittle is a lie.



Wait, who was that?

Killer and Outer's head snapped in the direction of the voice. It was a girl, she was waving at him while smiling. She had long, wavy, red hair flowing behind her with a cheer uniform and her two pom-poms in her other hand. She ran up to him, skidding to a halt and shooting Outer a glare.

"Uh, hi?" Killer questioned, wondering whether of not he knew her. She didn't look or sound familiar, so he was almost one-hundred percent positive he didn't know who she was. She smiled up at him nervously as a blush dusted her cheeks.

Killer was confused.

Outer was outraged.

Outer watched the girl approach Killer, a seductive glint in her hazel eyes. He knew her from the cheer squad. She was Eliza Johnson, close to their captain, Bunny, who was crushing on Fresh, but he didn't know she was crushing on Killer. Now he had competition, which took a huge blow at his self-esteem.

"Hi, I'm Eliza!" The girl introduced her self, flipping her hair flirtatiously. Killer looked slightly disgusted at her action but quickly wiped it off his face and giving her a tight smile.

"Hi! The names Killer!" Killer said, holding out his hand. The girl blushed, averting her eyes and shaking it. Killer hand dropped and he quickly stuffed it in his jacket pocket. Eliza decided to make conversation.

"So, your eyes? There really unique and cool." She said, pointing at his blue eyes. Killer smiled fondly, dragging a hand over his right eye. He nodded, shrugging slightly." Where do you get them from?"

"My dad. He was alot like me." Killer explained, the past tense crushing him, but he refused to cry. He was done crying and mourning over his father. His father was gone, and he knew he wasn't coming back. Eliza heard the past tense, it sparking her interest.

"'Was'? Why past tense?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner while trying to look cute. Killer visably stiffened and the temperature dropped ten degrees. Outer and Eliza shivered.

"It's personal." He stated, before remember what he came out there for. He turned to Outer, who was standing up. Killer asked to talk with him.

"Uh..." Outer glanced out at Eliza, who was glaring daggers at him. Just annoy her, he nodded, responding with a 'Sure!'. Killer grinned, snagging his hand and running off. Little did Outer know, he wants going to just annoy Eliza, he was going to take her down completey with this simple conversation.

"Uh, O-Outer? C-Can I tell you something?" Killer asked, slightly fidgity. Outer thought he was absolutely adorable like that. His eyes averted with a blush spread across his face as he shifted under Outer's curious gaze. Who couldn't call that cute?

"You can tell me anything." Outer said in a soft tone, putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. Killer's face practically exploded as he began to stutter out his confession.

"I-I-I-I l-l-l-lo-o-o-ov..." He was stuttering so much, Alphys would be impressed! He'd never felt this nervous. His soul pounded against his ribcage, his legs became jelly, and he began to breath irregularly. He felt like passing out.

"Killer?" Outer asked, concern flashing in his eyes. Killer then did the unthinkable. Hewrapped his arms around Outer's neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Outer's brain slowly prossesed what was happening, his blush increasing with every passing moment. He couldn't take it. He put his hands on Killer's waist, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. They entire world seemed to disappear. It was just the two of them, standing in the hallway, making out.

Killer realized where they were and quickly separated the kiss before they were caught. Outer held onto him, a dazed expression plastered on his face. Killer's hands slid from his neck to his shoulders, his face still envoloped in a bright blush.

"Killer! You're dating Outer?" A shrill voice screeched. Killer and Outer looked at the source of the noise to see Eliza standing in the hallway ahead of them, her face bright red with anger. Outer mentally groaned while Killer remained confused.

Outer sounds the two so they were side ways to Eliza. He held Killer in a protective hugs and stuck his tongue out at Eliza. He then grinned, planting a kiss on his new lover's head.

"Mine." Outer growled. Killer buried his face in Outer's stary jacket, his face turning into a blush again. Outer's grip tightened as Eliza stomped over to them, he footsteps echoing off the hallway walls.

"He's mine!"



"MINE!!" Outer roared, scaring the living hell out of the only two in the hallway. Eliza scampered back before running on the opposite direction of Outer. Killer clutched onto his jacket, looking up ta him. He pecked his cheek and somehow slipped from his death grip.

"I was going to say 'I love you.' but I guess words aren't of much use now." Killer said, winking at him as the bell rang. Killer picked up the stuff he dropped when they kissed, before leaving Outer alone in the hallway.

Outer was a blushing mess.

His crush lieod him back, they kissed, he scared off his rival, and had a cute/hot nerdy boyfriend. Talk about the best day ever. Eliza want done, he knew that, but he want letting anyone take his precious Killer awya form him.

That was showing to be a little difficult.

Killer's mind was on a totally different topic than him and Outer.

His way son how to get Fresh and PJ together.

"Hey, dude, your face!" Fresh exclaimed, noticing the large blush on his face. Fresh smirked, wagging his finger infront of Killer's face while winking at him." You aren't supposed to kiss until the first date!"

"Shut it. You'd kiss him if you and the chance." Killer said, a sky smirk crawling across his face as his eyes danced with an evil glint.  Fresh's face turned blue as his eye widened. He playfully punched Killer in the arm.

"Shut the hell up, dammit."

"Psh, whatever."

PJ was listening around the corner.

And now hates whoever him was.

But,then doesn't he hate himself?

The End

So, thanks for the support Fantamime. I'm glad you feel the same way I do! It's nice to know you're making a difference. It's a matter that needs at lot more attention than it's getting. Thanks for understanding. It's always nice to talk to someone.


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