Dark Days, Bright Nights

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Killer had a million thoughts running through his head, along with a hundred emotions building up inside of him. He gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing between his feelings. Once he was able to see her facial expression, everything cleared up.

She was smirking, with a whip at her side and a dagger in hand. She was looking down upon him, like he was the school of the Earth. She gently grabbed hold of his chin and made him face her. He let out a loud snarl. She slapped him.

"Now, now, you're not a dog, are you?" She giggled, standing up and placing her fists on her hips. He let out an annoyed grunt. She kicked him with her black leather, spiked high-heel boot. He let out a yelp, making her grin with insanity. She palced her foot on his ribcage and slammed him back into the wall, the heel digging into his and making small crack. Blood marrow seeped through these cracks and he bit his lip, forcing himself not to shout in pain. She laughed, pulling her foot back and then reapeatly kicking him until she heard the satisfying snap of one of his ribs. He let out a bowl of pain, only to be silence by her putting a gun in his mouth.

(Rape Warning: If you are uncomfortable with this then, please, turn away. If you have a fear of this, please, turn away.)

"Sh~ Try and stop me and it'll hurt, ok~?" She said in a honey sweet tone. He nodded limply. Her smirk only grew." Good boy~ Don't worry, I'm about to make you feel amazing~!"

He was confused, until she pulled out the gun and slid it across the floor. She began to strip down, slipping off her boots first. Fear shot through him as she realized what she was going to do. She grinned, noticing his panic.

"W-What do you think you're doing?!" Killer shouted, backing into the wall. Cat giggled, pulling her shorts off as she waltzed over, her shirt soon following. She leaned down, unclipping her bra.

"What does it look like, hun? I'm doing something fun~" Cat said, crawling on top of him. He struggled agaisnt the magical restrains. Suddenly, she slipped off his jacket and lifted up his shirt. He began to protest, put she simply pulled out a taser.

"As I said, protest, and it'll hurt~" She said, pulling down his shorts and boxers, but he hadn't summoned anything. She frowned, clipping a collar around him with a leash and pulling him close." Summon something to fuck me."

"No." He snapped. She growled, smashing his skull into the wall. Killer let out a cry. Her face twisted, eyes flaring with anger and insanity.

"Now, or I kill Outer and everyone you love!" She screamed. He may have wanted to share this moment with Outer, but his loved one's were far more valuable that this. He summoned what she wanted.

"See~? That want so hard~!" She said, slipping off her under wear. He let out a shakey breath is she slid on. He didn't want this. He hated this. This was not what he wanted. Suddenly, she was picked up before she could do anything else. There were tentacles surrounding her, gooey and slippery but they had a tight hold.

"I can't let you do this!" Said a voice that Killer was over joyed to hear. Cat growled, but was knocked out. The person quickly fixed Killer's clothing and set him free. Killer pulled him into a hug, tears over flowing out of his eyes.

"Thank you so much, Halluciv!"

"No problem, Cross!"

To Be Continuted

I bet some of you still thought it was Nightmare. Bye~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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