Party Stuff

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A/N: I, myself, have never been invited to a party, so I'm on thin ice here. If I make it seem unrealistic, then I'm sorry! Bye~

Fresh sighed, looking up a the towering two story house, Cray, Killer, and Dust standing by his side. They gulped and knocked on the door, Xahji almost immediately opening it after the first two knocks. Fresh jumped back, along with the others. Xahji dragged them inside and threw them into the living room.

"What the fuck, Xahji?!" Fresh shouted, getting up and dusting himself off. Xahji poked her head in the room, batting her eyes innocently as she smiled at them, though she was sweating bullets. Fresh shot her a dirty look and she ran like her life depended on it." I hate your sister, Goth."

"Come on, it's her birthday. She's happy." Goth said, shrugging from his spot on the couch. Palette sat next to him, leaning on his shoulder and cuddling closer every now and then. Fresh groaned, plopping down on the floor, his chin in his hand and he sat Indian style. Killer leaned against the wall, Dust was sprawled on the floor, and Cray was laying on his brother's lap.

"Get up you, lazy bones!" Xahji shouted. Cray shot up, bonking his skull on Fresh's jaw, and making his older brother double over in pain. Cray held his forehead, trying to get a grip on what happened. Xahji looked at Fresh groaning in pain on the floor, Cray holding his head, Killer laughing manically, and Dust not giving a damn. She rolled her eyes as the door bell rang. Her face quickly changed from annoyance to dread as she realized there were only two groups of people not there.

Swifty's group,

And PJ's.

She slowly walked to the door, creaking it open as her heart sunk to her stomach. There, standing in the doorway, was the three people she hoped would be last. Snazzy, Swifty, and Siren, all stood there. Snazzy avoided eye contact, so she could tell if he was happy or not, Swifty was grinning evilly, and Siren was smiling normally. She let them into the house, and left to retreat to the kitchen.

As soon as Killer saw Snazzy, he smirked.

"How ya doing, lover boy~?" Killer said, his smirk growing. Snazzy shot him a dirty look, his face flushing neon green. Fresh shot up, completely forgetying his pain, curiously staring killer and his question. Killer noticed his stare and his grin grew." Curious, Fresh?"

"Spill, now." Fresh demanded, his stare hardening into a glare that would scare off a pride of lions. Killer shivered, sweat beading down his forehead. Goth knew Killer wasn't gonna get out of this one, so he shifted, covering Palette's non-existent ears. Pallette looked confused as Goth dragged him out of the room, leaving Killer, Dust, Fresh, Snazzy, Swifty, and Siren alone. Swifty pulled Siren from the scene.

"Well... Snazzy heard that Xahji like him, from her." Killer explained, but before he could press forward, Snazzy tackled him cupping his hand over his mouth with his hands held tight behind him.

"Fresh no."

"Fresh yes."









"Shut up!"

Everyone's heads snapped in the direction of the angry female voice that had told them to shut up. There, standing in the doorway, was the one and only, Xahji Gaster, a pink blush spread across her face as she heaved a breath. She had heard their entire conversation, which is what Killer had hoped she'd do.

"X-Xahji!" Snazzy exclaimed, dropping Killer a d shooting up, a green blush on his face. Fresh took this chance to out his plan into action and dashed out of the room. The rest stood there in awkward silence.

"Uh, bye!" Was all Killer said before following in suit to Fresh. They met up in the hallway, sky smirks on their faces. They both grinned as Killer entered the dark hallway, their eyes glowing in the night.

"So, you got it?" Killer asked, raising an eye brow at his partner in crime. Fresh nodded, holding up the object. It was mistle toe. Xahji's birthday was a few days before Christmas, and they spent a week celebrateing it, so they brought out their Christmas stuff early. Killer was about to snatch it away from from Fresh when the door bell rang.

"I got it!" Fresh quickly shouted, wanting to keep Xahji and Snazzy in the same room. He sprinted to the door, opening it just a crack to see who was there. It was the jocks, PJ, Undyne, Outer, Swap Fell, BP, and Skater Girl(SG)." Oh come on! Do you have any idea how much more difficult you made this?!"


"Just come in."

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