(insert lenny face)

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Suddenly, a loud blast pierced through the air. Nightmare dropped Outer and leapt out of the way. Killer quickly rushed to Outer's side, tears blurring his vision. The salty liquid rolled down his face, mixing in with the black streaks he has on his cheeks. Fresh ran over to them and began healing Outer.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dust screamed as the others rushed into the room. Killer was panicking. Xahji pushed through, running straight for Killer to try and calm him down. He looked ready to pass out.

"Hey, focus on me and nothing else ok?! Calm down, Killer, everything is gonna be ok!" Xahji said, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. His breathing calmed down, but he was obviously still scared. She stood up and offered her hand, pulling up Killer." It's alright. Fresh is healing Outer, he'll be fine."

"O-Ok..." He trailed. Xahji pulled him into a comforting hug, rubbing his back in a soothing manner.

It was a long night of questioning, tears, anger, and a bit of drawing, but in the end, Killer and Outer were in Outer's hospital room with smiling faces. Soon, it was Outer's bath time. The nurse offered for Killer to do it, who blushed but nodded. They all knew she just wanted to hear a few moans. Outer practically begged Killer to help him, and he reluctantly agreed. Killer was stripping down, only in his boxers when he turned dto ask Outer if he needed help. Outer was holding a nose bleed, having lost enough blood that night. Outer was still fully dressed.

"Do you need help getting undressed?" Killer asked, raising an eye brow. Outer just nodded, his face exploding as he saw Killer's innicnet face, yet perfectly hot body. Killer walked behind him and undid the ties on the hospital gown. It slipped down his shoulders, and onto the floor. Killer pulled off his boxers and slipped into the tub after Outer, dipping his body into the hot yet perfectly cool water.

Outer's hands wandered up Killer's back, gripping onto his ribs as he gently leaned down and licked Killer's neck. Killer gasped, before biting down on his bottom lip he supress a moan. Outer brushed his hard member up against Killer. Killer let a small squeak slip out. This went on for several minutes, before there was a knock at the door.

"Turn to get out!" Called a female voice. Outer grumbled, but let Killer go anyway. Killer dried and got dressed, before helping Outer. They laid an annoyed Outer back down on hospital bed, confused, but hey honestly didn't really care. Killer took hold of his hand, intertwining their boney fingers. Outer pulled hand towards him. He gently placed a small kiss on it, winking at a now flustered Killer.


Visiting hours were soon over and Killer waved good-bye, telling him he loved him. Outer said the same and smiled as Killer shut the door behind him. Outer let out a grunt of frustration, gripping onto the bed sheets and pouting.

"I was so close, too!" He mumbled, slipping into a comfortable position. He slowly closed his eyes, relaxing his bones." Well, I'll see... tomorrow..."


Killer was in his house, flipping through channels with a worried expression. He missed Outer, sitting next to him laughing at the horrible edits and making fun of serious characters. It was what Killer needed most right the and there. Killer fell asleep on the couch after turning off the T.V.


Killer awoke in a dark room, his neck, wrists, and ankles chained to a cement wall. As his eyes adjusted to the light he took in his surroundings. There was a giant metal door with a key lock, and small window above him. He realized he had only his jacket on, and nothing else.

He desperately tried to zip up his jacket as heavy footprints came down what sounded to be stone stairs. They stopped infront of his door, before what seemed to be a key turning in the door. He finally zipped up his jacket and looked up. His eyes finally got used to the light as he was able to identify the shadows figure.

"Uh, Cat?"

To Be Continuted

Ok, how many of you thought it was going to be Nightmare? Comment below, and don't lie.

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