A/N and Vent

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So, I'll be at a family reunion for the next five days, so sorry if updates are slower than usual, or is I don't update at all. I love Wattpad and my Fandoms, but I love my family more. Also, I wnated to say thanks for all the follows and after I'm done with My Past Does Not Define Me, Nerd and Jock, and this one, I'll do a Swap Fell x Dust NaJ. Then maybe a CherryBerry. Then I'll take requests! How does that sound? Also, for the CherryBerry, should I do a normal, or NaJ? Me is conflicted.

There another thing I wanted to talk about.

I don't know if you read my Glitchy Paint story, which is Ink x Error NaJ, it has some sensitive content and is on the topic of depression in one of the last chapter. I didn't want people going in the comments saying stuff like 'This shouldn't be on Wattpad!' or 'You're heartless!', because I would either ignore you, or tell you to STFU.

See, I KNOW depression is a real problem and hundreds of people lose their lives to this. But, you see, have you ever done anything to stop it? Have you ever done anything? Ever talked to someone who was alone? Ever stood up for someone? Ever vonenteered to help people like that? No? Then fuck off, because you have no right to tell me I'm heartless. I'll have you know, I know people who face such struggles, and are my best and closest friends.

It hurts me to think they are even considering taking their own life. I know what it's like to be in that hole of despair where it seems there's no possible way out. But I promised them, I swore, there was.

You see, you say I'm heartless, but us humans are naturally selfish.

Does your desire benifeit everyone?

Not possible.

Does it benifeit you?

Yes, yes it does.

You want you're own perfect world.

Let me offer you advice.

You see that kid sitting alone during free time?

Go and talk to him.

You know that girl everyone picks on?

Defend her.

You know that gay kid in your class that is constantly called names?

Tell him he's special.

You know that bisexual girl everyone ignores?

Invite her to lunch.

Show those people kindness, because they may appear happy, but they are no where near it.

They fake it so no one worries.

So everyone can live their life without them.

The are hurting, so heal them.

It takes simple words to stop someone from killing themselves.

It takes a simple gesture to make someone see the good in this world that seems so cruel and unforgiving.

It takes you, as a human being, to treat another person as though they are too.

That they exist.

I have two friends you suffer in that pit of darkness, and I myself have been there, but then people brought light into my life.

Those people are called family.

They cared that I was hurting when everyone saw happiness.

They could see through me.

Those are the people you want in your life.

People who can see through your lies.

Poeple who know when your hurting just by looking at your body language.

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