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Fresh threw open his front door to see his father, Cray, and his mother standing in the doorway. Anger boiled up in Fresh as steam practically shot out of his non-existent ears. His- no, he wasn't calling him 'father'. He'd lost that right.

"What do you want, Dan?" Fresh sanpped. Dan looked slightly taken aback he was using his real name, and not 'dad' or 'father'. Had he lost that much respect for him? Yes, yes he had.

"Fresh, tell your brother and mother they're being rash!" Dan said, finally getting over his shock. Fresh's eyes glared with mangenta magic, daring Dan to take a step towards him and suffer the consequences. Dan gritted his jaw and flashed a tight smiled, full of desperation.

"No, get out or I'll call the cops!" Cray shouted, holding up his phone. PJ stood in the doorway awkwardly, wanting to leave, but didn't want to, just in case. Dan's smile disappeared and it was replaced with a grim scowl.

"Now, you wouldn't do that, would you?" He asked, sweat beading down his head. Cray shot him a cold glare, followed with a low growl of anger.

"Test me." Cray said, smirking slightly, hovering his thumbs I've the screen. Dan straightened himself and rushed out the door. Fresh watched him leave, before remembering PJ had walked him home.

"Oh, I'm so sorry you and to see that!" Fresh apologized to PJ, giving him a look of regret and sorrow, the anger clearly gone. CQ shoved past them and walked off, anger exploding off her face.

"Fresh, you stay. I'll go get her." Cray said, shoving his phone in his pocket and chasing after his mother. Fresh invited PJ. PJ sat on the couch, sinking into the cushions. Fresh asked if he wanted anything.

"My boyfriend would be nice." PJ responded, smirking a t him playfully. Fresh rolled his eyes and plopped onto the couch next him with a granola bar. They cuddled up close and turned on the T.V. watching whatever 90s show Fresh and downloaded. When they show was over PJ looked at the clock. An hour before study group was over.

An hour of fun, in PJ's opinion.

"Ha, that's- mph!" Fresh was cut off by PJ passionately kissing him. Fresh kissed back, dropping his wrapper to the ground. PJ pushed Fresh down into the couch, separating their mouths.

"You know, I got an hour left~" PJ said, smirking seductively, as he caressed Fresh's face. Freshwarlled his arms around his neck, pulling him loser so they could feel each other's breath.

"Use that hour wisely." Fresh said, closing the gap between their mouths. PJ put one arm on Fresh's waist, the other on the couch keeping them up. PJ then used his magic to telport them- to his room.

"My dad's staying at Ink's for the night." PJ said, nibbling at Fresh neck as he slipped off his jacket and unbuttoned his secret lover's shirt. Fresh only moaned in response. PJ took that as a 'I wouldn't give a fuck if he were here's kinda response. PJ smirked, biting down on his sweet spot, earning a small yelp from him.

"Heh, two can play at that game." Fresh grunted,trailing along PJ's chest and along the trim of his jeans. PJ gasped has he felt Fresh rub his hand against his pelvic." We've done this before, PJ, don't forget."

"How could I? I loved it all too much." PJ responded, pushing Fresh down into the bed.



The next day, Fresh had trouble walking.

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