Can't Stop Thinking

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Killer walked into History with a dazed expression. He'd dreamed a dream he couldn't quite remember, and the only thing he could see clearly was Outer blushing face with a wide grim spread across it. Killer, woke with a start, his soul beating irregularly as his face flushed.

"What is wrong with me?!" Killer whisper-shouted, holding his head in his hands and glaring at the wooden desk he sat at. He hated not knowing what was going on, because his parents shut him out like that. They didn't want him to worry, so they told him not to, to not get involved. So he did. Because he hated being in the dark.

Outer walked to school that morning, his mind clouded with thought. Dirty thoughts, might I add. About Killer. He hadn't stopped thinking about his friend since the second he saw him. Sure, he knew what teenage hormones were, but this felt different, it felt...right.

He sat next to Killer, but refused to look at him. He didn't want to do anything he might regret. Seeing Killer's face might cause him to lose control, and lose his friend. He wouldn't let his instinct take over, he wouldn't. He swore.

Killer noticed Outer averting eye contact, but didn't question it. Killer let out a breath when Mr. NM walked into the room and began the lesson. He'd finally ahead something to get Outer off his mind.

Outer finally ad something to get Killer off his mind.

Or so they hoped.

The thoughts just wouldn't go away.

Killer couldn't help but try and not bang his head on his desk. Outer couldn't help but try and not jump Killer. Why did this ajve to be so damn frustrating?!

Mr. Nightmare noticed Like distress and asked stop speak with him after class. He was also aware of Outer's distress, but he could care less about him. Killer nodded, saying he would.

The bell rang and Outer shot out of the room, leaving a trail of dust behind. Killer packed his things and waited for the other kids to exit before approaching Mr. NM.

"Is something the matter? You seem off." Mr. NM pointed out, liking up at his student from his chair with concerned eyes. Killer sighed, looking off to the side to come up with an excuse.

"Just family problems." Killer said. It wasn't a total lie, since he did have issues with his parents after they bought him a house so they could run off and do whatever without his nose in their business. He sometimes wonders if he ever even crosses their minds. He wondered if they even love or remember him anymore.

"Well, I hope you sort it out." Mr. NM said, flashing him a small smile. Killer gave a sad smile back and left the room after saying goodbye. Mr.NM sighed. Sure, he could tell he wasn't lieing about the family thing, but he felt as though there was more to the story. More than he let on. His thought were cut short when Miss. Muffet walked into the room with a smile.

"How are you, honey?"

Killer walked away from Mr. NM's room and he watched as Miss. Muffet walked in happily. He had almost had a mental breakdown right there and then. He met up with Fresh, and in a instant, knew something was off. So while they were chatting, Fresh said he needed to talk to Killer, and then dragged said person out into the empty hallway.

"Alright, what's up?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't pull that crap with me. I can tell something wrong."

"Family issues."

"Bullshit. It's more than that."

"Fine, I've been...feeling wierd." Killer finally admitted, avoiding eye contact with his best friend. Fresh raised an eye brow at him and crossed his arms. .

"Weird, how?" Fresh asked, looking Killer in the eyes. Killer knew he couldn't lie and say it was just hormones, Fresh would see right through him. He had no way to get out of this.

"I-I've been having thses dreams about... Outer." He whispered the last part, hoping to the Lord he hadn't heard. However, he heard it, loud and clear. He smirked at Killer, a mischievous glint flashing in his eyes.

"So, do you have a crush on him, or what?" Fresh asked, excitement lacing his voice. Killer's face heated up at the question, making Fresh's grin grow, and Killer swore it was going to tear of face in half. Fresh was one of the nerds that towered over everyone else. He was the top nerd. He could blackmail, steal, and completely inilate your reputation easily. He was scary." Oh, you do! This is perfect!"

If you could give him enough money, he'll tell you anything you want to know. If your crush likes you back, who secretly dating who, who's cross dressing, who's hiding your lunchbox. Anything happend, Fresh knew. He knew everything. And now he knew Killer's crush, and he knew Outer liked him back. God, that was perfect. Killer had been his rival in power, now, he had no compition.

"Does he like me back?" Liked asked hopefully. Frsh gave him a blank face, his eyes dull. You could tell eh wasn't gonna talk without money when he got like that. Killer groaned, rolling his eyes and throwing a wad of cash at him. Fresh gave him a spy smirk.

"Yes, he does. He came to me with the same problem, but he was having dirty thoughts." Fresh explained, shoving the cash on his back pocket. Killer's breath hitched as his heart beat sky rocketed. His crush likes him back. Wasn't that called something like imagination? Apparently not. Killer gripped Fresh's shoulder to steady himself." Dude are you ok?!"

"I'm...shocked, is all." That's the only word he could think of. Fresh smiled as him, putting his hand over his own. Killer looked up a t him relieved, before grinning at him like never before." I guess this means I have to confront him..."

"Ya think? I'm tell them you're doing something." Fresh said, walking away from him and leaving him alone to his thoughts. Killer went around the school and eventually found Outer sitting under one of the oak trees on the recess field.



Wait, who was that?

The End

Ha, cliffhanger! I just have to ruin their little moment, don't I? Well, my sister say I'm Satan, so... Anywho! I've decided on something really, really cool that I think you'll like.

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