Chapter 32 ~ The Cards are Scattered

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THANK Y'ALL SO SO SO SO SO VERY MUCH!!! Because of y'all "I don't Mate with Jerks" was #224 in Watty Awards and #289 in Werewolf! I know, not soooo very impressive but its the farthest up the list it's ever gone for either one! Thank you guys so so so very much! I LOVE Y'ALL!!!










~KC Blares

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to the lovely AlphaRaina17 because of the absolutely stunning banner to the side! I LOVE it! Thanks again! <3



Chapter 32 ~ The Cards are Scattered


Damon’s P.O.V.

I quickly got to my feet; not wasting time to brush the dead leaves off that clung to me as I sprinted through the trees, following KC’s scent through the woods. She was not going to get away from me now of all times. She was my mate and it was time she knew she belonged to me. My heart was racing against the inside of my chest, my wolf aroused, excited, and demanding to have her back in my arms. She was mine. She bore my mark on her shoulder. She was my Luna, my mate, and mine alone. We were going to complete the mating process whether or not she would kill me for it.

As I ran, a lead ball started forming in my stomach, twisting it into knots. Something wasn’t right. I sniffed the air cautiously, an involuntary growl vibrating in my chase when I caught a whiff of two scents lingering in the air. They were strong and masculine, giving off arousal like a female was in their presence. It could only be my female. With a feral howl, I charged forward, my canines bared and my claws flicking out from my fingertips in case I was about to jump into a fight. I don’t know if it was just me or my instincts, but I was willing to fight for my mate. Even if she didn’t want me in return. I was going to make her want me.

“Damon!” someone shouted from behind, but I didn’t even slow down. The lead ball in my stomach was growing larger, a horrible cramping in my chest. An unsettling scent filled my nose, making me stop abruptly, my feet landing in something hot and wet. I looked down in horror, the hairs on the back of my neck rising to see a small pool of crimson on the ground. A chill in my spine told me that it was KC’s.

“Damon!” A different voice called, sounding more urgent. It snapped me out of my phase, but I ignored it once again as I ran forward, my own blood boiling. Ahead of me, I could see shadows fading into view and moving quickly away, but they had no defined shape, just blobs of blackness against the already dark scenery. But it was still the same three scents; KC’s and two others.

With a snarl, I lunged, shifting in midair and forcing my four legs to move me forward with an abnormal speed, the shadows slowly coming closer. My teeth were clenched together tightly, my breath visible in the cool night air. As the shape came into view, I could make out two figures, one of them holding something over their shoulder. No doubt the rogues.

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