The Alphas Possession - Chapter Thirteen

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The Alphas Possession - Chapter Thirteen

I walk closer to Dreen's desk and feel the claw marks, wondering what type of animal could've done this. I shudder at the thought of a wolf and pick Dreen's laptop up. I read the message over and over again. Who do they mean by her? And what the hell happened to Dreen?

I put his laptop back down on his desk and leave his room, going back into mine where I put my coat and shoes on as well as taking my phone and keys before leaving the house. I look down on my phone seeing numerous missed calls and messages from Aaron. I consider calling him back but I don't want to worry him, since I'm not obliged to tell him every single detail of my life.

I leave through the garden and call Aunt Rose, the phone going straight to voicemail. I leave her a message explaining what happened and attempt calling Dreen, which with no surprise doesn't​ answer. I wonder what's happening with him, he was completely fine like 2 hours ago.

"Cheryl, where are you?" I hear a voice call out to me and the sound of a bolt chamber (AN: I forgot the name of the thing so idk if that's correct). The same sound I heard when my sister was killed. "Come out,  it won't hurt much, I'm sure you'll have the same face as your cousin," I turn my head sharply to see someone I had never seen before.

"Goodbye Cheryl," I look at the woman standing in front of me who was wearing a mask which covered the bottom half of her face. She lifts up her gun and points it at me, her finger resting on the trigger. "I, uh, what's happening?" I stutter out, not sure of what to do. I take severely steps backwards before seeing a jet black wolf pounce onto the woman, killing her instantly and then coming for me as I fell into a ditch and passed out.

I wake up to Aunt Rose hugging me tightly and the world's worst headache ever. "Cher, when A-, I mean we found you in that ditch we thought you died honestly," She murmurs into my hair, suffocating me with her tight grip. "Aunt Rose, I'm alright. Honestly you can let go now," I tell her, gasping for air in which she gets the message to let go.

"I was so worried," she starts and I cut her off, "Where's Dreen?" I pop the question and she goes silent. "He's.. recovering, he ran into some trouble yesterday," she tells me and I nod. That must've been some trouble. Aunt Rose tells me that she has to go to work and that she called in school saying that I was sick. Meaning, I was alone. Yet again.

I got up shortly after I heard the sound of Aunt Rose leaving the house to search for my phone. I don't find it anywhere so I come to the conclusion that I must've dropped it last night when the wolf came at me. Maybe I'll go search for it after a long thoughtful bath.

As the water for my bath runs, I attempt to tie my hair up in a messy bun, which reveals a brand new mark on my shoulder. I struggle to get a good look but the view I get from the easiest angle. The mark looks new and fresh, and clearly painful as when ever I touch it, it starts to sting.
Wherever this mark came from, I need to find out, as well as finding out where my phone was.

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