Chapter 1

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     "Nisha lets go, I want to get there early so we have plenty of time to meet the superstars and get pictures" Alisa called down the hall. Picking up her resume Nisha ran out of her room and through the appartment she shared with her best friend. "Do you know what I did with my phone" Nisha ask as she frantically looked around for it. Holding up her cellphone Alisa smiled. "What would I do without you." Heading out the door both of us where ecstatic about finally going to the WWE the only thing really bothering me was the fact I would be driving back home alone because Alisa was going home with her boyfriend. Sighing I put all of those thoughts behind me as I got into the car and started it up.

    "Alisa! I am going to die! There he is" I called as she looked around. "Who?!" she questioned looking around the parking lot for who I was talking about. "It's Finn Balor! He is over next to the building" I stated as I began dragging her along behind me. Laughing she pulled her hand away and shook her head. "Do you really want to bug him now? He looks like he is busy" she pointed out as we slowed down. Sighing I looked at her frowning and nodded my head turning back around to head inside of the arena. "Excuse me miss" a voice called out from behind me with a thick Irish accent. Turning around i was face to face with finn balor, well more like he was towering over my short 5"2 frame. "You dropped this" he stated as he held out a paper. Looking in my purse i realized my resume had fallen out. Blushing slightly i looked down at the ground as i reached for it. "Thank you" i whispered as i looked back up at him. "So you are interested in working for the WWE" he ask with a smile. Nodding I told him about my experince with working at the local arena for 6 years. Our conversation was breif but well worth it. "Here let me take you to Paul so you can give it to him and I will even put in a good word for you" he insisted. Turning i told Alisa i would catch up with her later and walked into the building with Finn.

  After meeting with Paul I got to take a few pictures with Finn. "Thank you so much for everything" I thanked him and went to find Alisa. We had front roll seats right at the ring, and the best veiw of all the matches. The first few matches went by slowly, the rest flew by. "Nisha we are going to now. I had a blast and i am glad you finally got to put in your resume." Alisa stated as we walked towards the exit. Nodding I hugged her. "Excuse me Miss Black" a man said behind me as i turned to face him. "Paul would like to see you before you leave." Saying goodbye to Alisa i followed the man to where Paul was waiting in his office. Knocking on the door i waited for him to answer. "Come in" he called and i slowly opened the door and walked in. "Ah, Miss Black i wanted to give you an opportunity to do some work for us. I have a story line coming up that i think you would be great in. You will be working with Finn Balor in this dtory line against Bray wyatt and sister abigal." Smiling i shook his hand and took the paper work he gave me to fill out.

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