Chapter 2

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The arena was dark as I made my way to the exit. It was the best day of my life, I had finally got to go to a WWE Raw live event and even met a few of my favorite superstars. On top of all of that I even gave my resume to Paul aka Triple H who is giving me a chance at becoming a professional wrestler. A little star struck by the events unfolding in mmylife I did not realize that I was being followed as i made my way to the parking garage across the street. Heading towards the elevator on the ground floor of the parking garage I began to hear foot steps behind me.

Panicing I spun around to find no one was there. Blinking a few times I turned back around and pushed the button for the 3rd floor and stepped inside. "Could you hold the door please" a womans voice called from the darkness. Reaching out I put my hand on the door to keep it from closing and waited for the lady to enter. "Thank you so much i am running behind" the lady stated as she put her luggage down. "Your welcome. I am Nisha did you go to the live event tonight" I ask the lady. "Well yes i work for the WWE. My name is Abigal." the lady replied to me. I froze in my spot remembering the conversation with Paul. "It is very nice to meet you Abigal, but this is where i get off. Good luck on getting where your going on time" I said as I stepped out of the elevator. Hurrying towards my car I began digging in my purse for my keys only to find they were not there. "Great now what am i going to do" i pouted as i slid down the side of my car and onto the cold pavement. Putting my head down i tried to think of where my keys could be. "Are you ok" a male irish voice ask. Looking up I saw Finn standing in front of me. "Well yes and no. I am great because this has been the best day until i got out here and could not find my keys" i replied with a sigh.

Smiling he held his hand out to me. "I could give you a ride. Plus Paul wanted me to call you and tell you to pack a bag. Your leaving with us to start training as my partner" he stated as I took his hand to stand up. "Really! OMG! This is amazing. I can have Alisa pick up my car later with my spare key. Are you sure your ok with giving me a ride." i blurted out in one breath. Laughing he nodded and we headed towards his car. "This is really happening. I am working for the WWE with Finn Balor. My life could not get any better" I thought as he opened the door to let me in his car.

Slightly blushing i got in and shortly after i gave him directions to my apartment building. "So Nisha what all do you know about our story line" he ask breaking the awkward silence. "All I know is I am working with you to team against Bray Wyatt and Sister Abigal. Paul did not tell me too much about it. He just gave me all of this paper work to fill out" I stated as I looked at the thick packet of papers. "Oh. Well as you know Sister Abigal is who Bray Wyatt protects and who he truely cares about. The story line needed a new female, one on whom the demon king realize on and cares about.

So after you left earlier from Pauls office I told him You would be great for the part because no one had ever seen you before and you kind of fit the part of what i was looking for" he stated as we pulled up to my appartment building. "So i am going to be like a pawn/fuel for the demon king" i questioned as i looked over at him. "Well yes but you will be introduced in three weeks as my girlfriend. Well Finn Balors girlfriend. So I thought it would be best for us to train together and fet to know one another before that happend. Oh yeah, my real name is Fergal." he replied and all i could do was stare at him.

Blushing slightly i looked out the window at the building while my mind went wild with all of this new information. "I will be back in a few minutes. It wont take to long to pack. You are welcome to come in if you like" i stated as i opened my door. Nodding he opened his door and got out to follow me. Hurrying to my appartment I could hear Alisa and Jeff inside talking, opening the door i walked in followed by Finn. They stopped talking when we entered and just stared with their mouths hanging open. Grabbing Finns hand i drug him towards my bedroom where i began packing while he sat on the bed. Rushing back and forth from my room to the bathroom i packed up what i would need. "I'm ready now" i whispered as i looked at him sitting on my bed. "Lets go then" stated as he grabbed my two bags and headed out the door.

Alisa hugged me tight and smiled as we said our goodbyes. "Please pick up my car tomorrow. I will need it when i come home" i told her and she nodded. Turning around i walked back to Finns car getting in i waved as we pulled off. Knowing it was the last time i would be home for awhile i took in all the sights so i would not forget anything.

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