Chapter 12

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   A/N: this chapter is about summerslam and no its not the one coming up. I will be offline for awhile so i thought i would try to get this up before that happened. I hope you enjoy. Like share and comment please.

     "Get up. It's time to go" Bray said as he walked into my room. Opening my eyes i set up quickly and smiled. Jumping up i grabbed my clothes and went to change. We had to be there early to get our new outfits and hair and makeup done. Grabbing my things i waited for them to come get me. I was ready to be anywhere but in this room. After a few minutes we were on our way to the arena. My heart was pounding and i was nervous. This was one of the biggest events of the year and i was going to be a part of it. No one talked the whole way it was an eerie silence as we pulled up. Alisa and Jeff were coming and i could not wait to see them. They was bringing my car down so i would have it when we were in Florida. Pulling up outside the arena Bray instucted Abigal to stay with me so Finn could not see me before the match. Scrolling at them we headed to makeup first. The lady made me look like a movie star and i was amazed that it was even me in the mirror. Then we went to costumes to grt ready for the meet and greet. My outfit was a red balor club halter top with a black mini skirt and knee high boots. My hair was pulled half up and half down with the top half curled in ringlets. As we rounded a corner i spotted Finn on the far side of the room. The fans where all around him asking questions about me and why he had not got me back yet. As he answered i could hear the anger in his voice pointed towards Bray. "Look its Nisha!" a little girl squeeled as Abigal grabbed my arm and began pulling me away. Looking back i saw Finn pushing through the crowd ro get to us but he could not get there fast enough. My heart skipped a beat as the fans called out my name as we found our way back to the dressing room.

   Summerslam had started and i was in a dark room with Abigal as we awaited the match. "Its time" Bray stated as he stuck his head through the door. In a flash Abigal had grabbed me and drug me to the door and looked out. Not seeing anyone she pulled me down the hall and up several flights of stairs. As we reached the top she covered my mouth and nose with a rag. Trying to fight back everything started going black. I saw the cage and a few people standing around as the room started spinning out of control. With that i was pushed into the cage and heard the door slam.

   "Thump thump... Thump thump" and the demon kings music hit. I could hear it loud and clear as i slowly opened my eyes. I could see the res lights as the fog started to cover the stage. Then Finn crawled out as the demon king and made his way towards the ring. Blinking a few times i looked around again as my vision cleared and realized i was in the cage hung far above the ring. Gasping i backed against the bars and grabbed them to hold on. My heart was beating out of my chest as it swayed back and forth. I tried to scream but no sound came out. Looking down i saw Finn enter the ring and do his pose. I saw him look around for something then pull his headpiece off as the lights went out completely as Brays music hit and people turned on their phone flash lights. He was followed by Abigal who was smiling wickedly as they entered the ring. Blowing out his lantern the lights came on and he held up a microphone. "As you can see Finn you precious eye candy is not here. But i bet if you listen you will hear her" he said laughing as someone lowered the cage down a little out of the rafters. Screaming i held on to the bars until it finally came to a stop. The crowd gasp as they looked up to see me. Finns gaze followed theirs to where my scream came from. "You see Finn i secured this gamble that if i win your mine. You will only get her if you win" he said as the bell rang. The match was brutle. Finn had the upper hand as they headed to the back. I watched the tritonton to see them. Bray had slammed Finn into a table and drug him back out to the ring. They had been fighting for over thirty minutes when Bray set him up for sister Abigal. Finn quickly moved and kicked him into the corner. He climbed the ropes and put his finisher on him (sorry dont know how to spell finns finishing move) and made the pin."1 2 3" the crowd cheered as Bray rolled out of the ring and the cage lowered to the ring slowly. Pulling on the chains he called for help to get me out. Paul came running out with a handful of keys and tried to unlock it. Abigal walked to the side of the ring and slowly climbed in handing the key to Finn. Smiling she exited the ring to help Bray backstage. Pulling the lock and chain off Finn threw the door open and pulled me out to him. Holding me tight against his chest he rubbed my back as hecpicked me up and spun me around smiling as he stood me up i touched his face where his pint had come off from the sweat. He had minor cuts and bruises all over him. He grabbed my face and kissed me in front of the crowd and whole world. Putting my arms around him i kissed back as the crowd went wild cheering for us. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" they all cheered as we pulled apart. Taking his hand i held it high in the air turning aound in the ring as i did.

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