Chapter 5

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     As we walked into the arena we where meet by Paul. "So Finn what is so important that you needed to meet with me about" he ask as i pulled out my paper work and handed it to him. He looked it over and told me to go down the hall to see the lady who was going to be doing my hair. Nodding i walked off to find her. Admiring how fast the crew worked to make everything happen.

Finns POV:
  As i walked into Pauls office i pulled out my phone and showed him the pictures of Nishas face. "I want her walking out with me tonight. I know she is new but i want her with me" i said as Paul looked at the pictures. "I see. I guess it coyld be arranged for that to happen. But first we need to do a promo to bring her in" Paul replied as i sit back in the chair and relaxed. "I will give them time to get her hair done and then we will do the promo" i said as i shut my eyes and tried to get her off my mind for awhile.

    "You look amazing Nisha" the lady squeaked as she finished my make up. "Thank you. I really needed this" i replied as i looked at my hair and makeup. My hair was now a deep brown with blonde streaks through it and was down and slightly curled. "Now you need to go try on your outfit" she stated as she pointed me to the door down the hall. Nodding i walked down there. Knocking on the door i waited as the person come to let me in. "Ah Nisha your just in time. Come in and lets get started" she gestured as she pretty much drug me into the room. Standing with my back to the door i looked at myself in the full mirror off to the left of me. "Put these on" she said handing me a crop top pink shirt with Balor Club writen on it in bold black letters. She frabbed it as i took my shirt off and handed me a black one just like the pink one. "Lets start with this one." Nodding i pulled it on and looked at myself in the mirror. "I like it. How many do i have to try on" i ask as i pulled it back off and handed it to her. "Just that one in those now i need you to try this on. Its the other outfit you eill wear." she commented as she handed me a white bikini top looking thing a cut off red jacket that tied over the bra and a black and red checkered skirt. Putting it all on i showed her. Nodding she told me to change back into my pants and i could pick out which shirt you will wear tonight." After putting my pants on i only had my bra on with them. Slowly the door opened and Finn stepped in behind us and did not make a sound. "Finn" the lady yelled as she turned around to see him standing there staring at me in the mirror. Pulling my arms up i tried to cover myself up as he stepped back out the door. Quickly putting my pink crop top back on i sit down for a moment humiliated.

   "Did you find Nisha" Paul ask Finn as he walked up to him. Nodding he pointed at the door and smiled. "We just can't go in right now. She is trying on her clothes" he answered as the door opened behind him. Stepping out i was greeted by them both and was told to go do a promo and be ready for tonight. Following Finn i smiled and waited for all of this to be over. We made a promo calling out Bray and Sister Abigal. After we was done i put my hands on my hips and looked up at Finn who was in his Balor club jacket and ring attire ready for tonight. "Did you see me" i ask him with a flustered look on my face. "No i saw nothing" he replied smiling as he walked off. Remembering i left my phone at the hair and makeup desk i headed in the opposite direction. The lights began to flicker and went out for just a moment only to come back on reviling Sister Abigal standing at the far end of the hall. Frozen i watched her walk towards me. "RUN" Bray whisper yelled in my ear causing me to scream and giving Abigal the chance to slam me into the wall then sling me into a crate. 

   Finn heard a scream echo through the hall and stopped. "Nisha" he whispered as he ran in the direction of the scream. Getting there the lights began to flicker then went out only to come back on moments later. Looking around he found me laying face down on the floor unconscious. The officials and medical team showed up moments later, Finn picked me up and carried me to the trainers room and laid me on the bed. Slowly moving around i groaned in pain as my head started throbbing. "Are you ok" he ask as the trainer checked me out saying it was just a slight bump on the back of my head. "Yeah i will be fine" i replied sitting up. About that time Paul walked in and told us we had a mixed tag match for tonight against Bray and Abigal. My day started getting better after that. Finn introduced me to Bailey, Nia, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and even Braun Strowman. While waiting for the show to start Dean Ambrose came up to me and smiled while he came up with a good way to get the fans behind me. "You should really be on the Ambrose Asylum tonight that way the fans can find out a little about you. I will lrt Paul know i am sute he will be all for it" Dean said as his girlfriend Reena walked up to us. "I think that is a great idea" she replied as they walked off to go get ready. I just decided to walk aound and check everything out while waiting on Finn to get ready and it to be time to start.

  "Well whata we got here" a voice called as a man walked up to me. "And just who are you. Im Enzo Amore and i dont believe we have meet before" he stated as he held out his hand. "Im Nisha. Today is my first day here" i replied as i shook his hand. I told him about being a huge fan of his but i was not at all happy about what big Cass had done to him. Afreeing he stated he had to go get ready. With that he walked off and i spotted food on a table and walked over. "Nisha are you ready" I heard Finn call from a door just a little ways down the hall. Nodding i walked over to him and finished eating the cookie i had grabbed. "So you will be on the Ambrose Asylum tonight with Dean. That will be fun. I wont be far away if you need me. Plus i have a feeling Bray will enterfer with it anyway and i will get to get him back" he stated as he clinched his jaw. Smiling i put my hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. It's not like i am really your girlfriend so it doesn't matter what happens when we are not working. Plus i am 33 and can take care of myself" i answered him and we headed out front to meet some of the fans and sign autographs. The promo had done been put up on the main screen so the people had an idea of who i was but they had many questions and some of them where a little had to answer like "are you Finns real life girlfriend" and "why did they pick you to be in this story line". Luckily i had Finn there to help answer the questions. Then we had to do a photo shoot of the two of us together. He had his arm around my waist with me pulled against his side with my hands on his shoulder. It was very hard to do thatbe comfortable. It felt great for me to be that close to him but also knowing how i felt for him and him not feeling the same made it harder. When all of that was finished we only had about thirty minutes to freshen up. I quickly got my makeup and hair touched up then waited in the dressing room with Finn for time to start.

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