Chapter 9

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    Paul: You need to pack your bags, we are headed to Florida for the next week to prepare for Summerslam

Me: Will do. What time are we leaving? That way i can let Finn know.

Paul: In about two hours so around seven tonight and it will be a long flight but we are taking a private jet.

Me: Ok see you at the airport.

  "Finn we have to leave in an hour to meet everyone to go to Florida" i called down the hall and waited for him to answer. Not hearing anything i walked down the hall to see him asleep on the bed. Smiling I got the bright idea to see if i could pin him down. Slowly crawling upon the bed i put one of my legs over his waist and stratled him. Then i put my hands on his arms and leaned down. "Finn" i ask just above a whisper, he did not move. Running my finger tips up his arms slowly making it tickle his eyes shot open and he grabbed my hips and flipped us over so he was on top of me. "No fair. I wanted to pin you" i pouted as he started tickling me. "St.. Stop.. Pl.. Please" i laughed as he counted to three. "I win and you just lost so what do i get for winning" he ask as he held me in place. "Um a cookie" i said with a playful smile. "Thats not good enough" he growled as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. "We have to be at the airport in an hour. So we really dont have time for all of that" i stated ruining the moment for him. Groaning he put his head on my shoulder and sighed. "Ok where are we headed to" he ask getting up. "Florida" i replied sitting up.

    "We are going home. Thats awesome. You can stay at my appartment if y

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