Chapter 17

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     The flight was long and tiresome. I drifted in and out of sleep as nightmares haunted me. Dreaming i was in the cage again jolted me awake causing me to jump forward. Looking around it was some what dark in the cabin of the jet, and i could tell it was night time. I could see Finn sleeping in the dim light from over head. Taking a deep breath i slowly got up and headed for the bathroom. "It was just a dream" i kept reminding myself as i looked in the mirror. Splashing water on my face i sighed. I headed back to my seat and sat down, picking up my phone i looked at the time. It was 2 in the morning and we still had aways to go. Closing my eyes i finally nodded off into a dreamless sleep.

    "Nisha wake up we are about to land" Finn stated with excitement in his voice. Opening my eyes i smiled slightly as i moved around trying to get comfortable in my chair. "Finn i am really nervous. What do i say to your parents. What if they dont want me there?" i ask as i tried to calm down. "I dont even know their names. Do i just say 'hi im Finns wrestling partner' or do i just sit quietly?" Laughing he put his hands on my shoulders. "They are going to love you. Their names are Fintan and Leonie so now you know. And how about you just let them keep thinking you are my real life girlfriend. All i have heard about is my mom getting excited that i have a girlfriend. Lets not break her heart right away. Let her be happy for a few days" he stated with a smile as he pushed my hair back out of my face. Slowly nodding my head i took a deep breath and released it.

   After the jet landed we headed through the airport to the parking garage were Finn had a car waiting in the private parking area. Putting our bags in the trunk he unlocked the doors and we got in. Bitting the inside of my cheek i slightly smiled at him as he turned the ignition over. "You will be fine. Trust me" he stated as he put his hand on my leg. "I hope so. By the way you like just saying im your girlfriend so you dont have to explain the whole story line dont you" i ask befor i realised it. My eyes got wife and my hand flew over my mouth as i looked at him suprising even myself that i had said it. "Well i like the idea of you being my girlfriend. Not so much the story line they have us in but it comes with its perks. I get to spend it with you" he replied as my face turned slightly red. "Oh. So i will go along with being your girlfriend then. I kinda like the idea of it myself" i whispered as he grabbed my hand. Backing out we headed towards his home.

   It was nine in the morning when we pulled up outside a beautiful two story house. It was secluded from the rest of the houses, a good mile or two away from any neighbors. It had a wrap around deck with a walkway up to the front, a picket fence around the yard and some of the most beautiful flowers i had ever seen. Getting our bags out of the trunk Finn smiled the most brilliant smile i had ever seen. My heart skipped a beat as he took my hand. "We need to act like a couple if we want them to believe we are" he whispered as he pulled me along beside him. "Does that mean i have to kiss you and share a room with you" i ask smiling at him. "If you want. I would not mind. That is if you dont. It would make it look more real." "Well then i guess that is what will happen then" i replied as i lightly kissed him. I pulled back as i heard a gasp likd squeal coming from the doorway. "Mum! Fergal is home and he brought his girlfriend!" the girl called as she ran towards us.

    Letting go of my hand Finn (or Fergal) grabbed her in a hug spinning her around. Confused i just stood there feeling very awkward. Feeling very out of place and nervous i began to fidget with the strap on my bag. "Sis it is great to see you!" he stated as he let her go and walked over to me, noticing how i had began fidgeting. "Irina this is Nisha, Nisha this is my sister Irina" he said as i held my hand out to her. "It is very nice to meet you" i stated as we shook hands. "Like wise. We where beginning to wonder if Fergal would ever find a girl. He was always the shy type" she added with a wide smile. "My baby is home" a woman i was guessing to be his mother pipped in as she came down the front steps. Giving him a big hug she stepped back and looked him over. "You look great. Now i want to meet the lovely Nisha. I have heard so very much about her." Looking up at him i raised my eye brow and smiled. "Hello Leonie it is a pleasure to finally meet you" i stated as i held out my hand. Bypassing my hand she pulled me into a hug. Startled i slowly hugged her back. "You kids must be starving. Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes. I expect you both to be at the table" she said as she went back inside. "Come on i will show you my room" Finn gestured as we walked into the house. I had a feeling this vacation was going to be very exciting and i hoped i could pull off being Finns girlfriend. Even if it was just pretending to be i still got to be close to him and let my dream of it play out for at least two weeks.

A/N. Hey guys sorry its a short chapter. I had to make up a name for Finns sister because i could not find it anywhere. I know this chapter stinks bad but it is just a filler. It gets better soon. Just bare with me. Dont forget to like share and comment. Thanks for reading.



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