Chapter 15

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     Fear crept over me like clouds blocking out the light of the moon. Finn walked up and grabbed the card out of my shaking hands. Rereading it he slammed it down on the table. "He is not taking you again. I wont let it happen" he growled as he began pacing. Seeing the anger filling his eyes i took a deep breath and reached out to touch his arm. He turned his head and i could feel the anger radiating off of him. Stepping forward i wrapped my arms around him. He froze as i held onto him. "It will be ok Finn. I will be ok. I mean its just part of the story line. You dont have to protect me when we are not at work. I.. Im just a girl you work with remember" i stated as he looked down at me. "I know that Nisha but i want to protect you, even when we are not at work. I am drawn to you and i cant figure it out but i know it is something" he replied as he nuzzled my hair with his head. "Lets judt go to bed. We will figure it out tomorrow" i added with a yawn. Heading to the bedroom i felt like nothing was real. Nostalgia had set in and i was beyond tired. Laying down i shut my eyes. As he laid down he wrapped his arms around me and in no time we were asleep.

   I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy. Sitting up i rubbed my eyes and stretched. Picking my phone up i looked to see who it was.

  Paul: I need to speak with you and Finn. Be at my office at ten

  Me: We will be there. Is anything wrong?

  Paul: No nothing is wrong. I just have something to discuss with the two of you.

  Me: Ok see you soon.

    Turning around i looked at Finn who was still passed out.  Reaching over i gently shook him and waited for a response. When he did not move i leaned over and sighed. "Finn. You need to wake up" i stated just above a whisper. Opening his eyes he groaned as he stretched. "Whats wrong" he ask in a sleepy voice as he blinked at me. "We have to meet with Paul in his office at ten and its almost nine now" i answered as i ruffled his hair. Growling he pulled his head away and set up. Nodding he got up and headed to the bathroom. Smiling i jumped up and got dressed then i pulled my hair up in a sloppy ponytail and waited for him in the kitchen. He finally came out dressed in his shorts and Balor Club shirt. "You ready" he ask as he grabbed the keys. Nodding i followed him out the door and to my car.

     After reaching the Performance center i got a little nervous. I was afraid they did not need me anymore and that my time was up and would be going home. Slowly i walked behind him as we headed to Pauls office. "This could be bad. I maybe leaving.. I am not ready to leave i want to keep working. I like it here. Plus i am really starting to care about Finn" i thought as i spaced out and ran right into him. "Sorry. I was just thinking and did not see you stop" i whispered quietly as i looked down at my feet. "Its alright lass. We are here so lets find out what is going on" he replied as he knocked on the door. Waiting was killing me i hust wanted to know what was going on. I needed to know i still had a job and that everything was fine.

   "Come in" Paul finally called out. Opening the door we both walked in and took a seat. "I am so glad you both could make it. I just want to let you know that after tonight you will both be out for a month. Its just a vacation. We are going to have Bray and Abigal attack you and then report you both have injuries and will be out. Its just part of the story line. I am going to send you both to Ireland first then to the UK to help with our program there. I hope you both are ok with this" he stated professionally as he looked at us. "So the trip to Ireland. Will i get to see my family" Finn ask getting excited. "Yes you will both have two weeks off to spend there. Then you will go to the UK to train and help some of our rising stars get better. Oh and Nisha here is your first check. I know you deserve it. I am glad you have chosen to work with us" he said as he handed me the check then shook our hands. Looking at the check i was unable to say a word. In one check i had made more money than i had in three months at my old job. "Wow. I am going to Ireland then the UK. How could thos get any better" i thought as i got up to go practice. "Nisha i um i want you to meet my family when we get to Ireland. That is if you want to. I mean you can do whatever you want, you dont even have to stay with me but icwould love it if you did" he rambled as he held my hand. "It would be an honor to meet them. Plus i dont know anything about Ireland so you will have to show me around" i replied to him as we walked out. Heading to the training room i smiled. Gerting into the practice ring i began running and bouncing off the ropes. I kept doing it and practicing rolls. I was getting hot and tired so i grabbed my water and sit down in the middle of the ring. Looking over i could see finn lifting weights and decided to lay back and rest. I must have dozed off because i woke up to Finn standing over me bouncing the ring. "What the" i shriked as i scooted backwards towards the ropes. "Come on now sleeping beauty you need to practice some more" he laughed as he walked over to me. Getting up i smiled and run and slid between his legs and jumped up and on his back. "Ok i will" i giggled as he walked backwards across the ring. Grabbing my arm he pulled me over him and slamed me on the mat. Getring up i ducked under his clothes line and run to the ropes and waited. As he came at me i laid back causing him to fall theough the ropes. Getting up i run to the other side and bounced off the ropes and run back jumping through them on to him. He caught me with ease and just held me. "Not bad. But i think i won" he stated as he stood me up. "Only because i let you" i jestered as i got my stuff to go get ready for the show. Huffing he followed after me. "Your going to love Ireland" he added with a genuine smile. "I know i will. I cant wait to get there. When do we leave" i ask as we got in the car. "Tonight after the show. We will pack our things and go straight to the air port. Paul is letting us use the company jet so no one will see us" he replied as we headed towards the arena.

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