Chapter 14

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       As i stepped out into the night air i shivered. Even though it was summer the air had a bite to it. Looking around i saw a huge crowd of people standing off to the side. "Look its Nisha" one of the girls screamed. Panic set in as i looked at them all running towards me. Pushing back against the wall i took a deep breath. "I am not ready for this. I dont do good talking to people. Someone help me please" i thought as i shut my eyes. "Nisha can i get my picture with you" this really cute little girl ask as she pulled on my finger. Opening my eyes i looked down at her and smiled. "Sure you can" i whispered as i picked her up and posed awkwardly for the camara. Putting her down a few teenage boys ran up to me with their phones out and started snapping pictures of us together. Feeling overwhelmed i just kept smiling and praying someone would save me. After what seemed like forever i felt someone put their arm around my waist and pull me back to them. The crowd gasp and bright flashes from cameras came from every direction. Turning my head i saw it was Finn and he was puttinf on a good show for them. He smiled brightly and held me tight as questions flew at him like fire balls. "Sre you and Nisha a couple?" "Can we have your autograph Finn." "What is next for you in the ring." "Who will you face now that you have beaten Bray." they called out almost together. "Yes we are a couple and you will have to just keep watching to find out the rest. Right now i am ready to just go get some rest. It has been a stressful week." he replied as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

    We headed across the parking lot to where i could see two people standing at what looked like my car. Releasing Finns hand i sprinted to the familiar figures and hugged them. "Alisa! I was looking for you" i squealed as i released her. "Same here. I broughr your car and you look great" she replied as we caught up while Jeff and Finn talked about everything. "Can you beleive i have been here almost a month" i ask her as i yawned and looked over at Finn. Smiling i quickly looked away. "Yeah i can. It is not the same without you at home. When did you start wearing your hair down i like it better like that" she stated as she pushed some of my hair back. She gasp slightly and looked at my neck then to me and next to Finn. "Oh my goodness" she said in a very soft voice as she looked me over. "Tell me you didn't do what i think you did." Sighing i pulled her away from the guys and told her what had happened. "So you see i was not even with him all week. Then this tonight. I just think it had to do with him still being in character. I mean why else would he give me a hickey" i ask as she grinned wildly at me. "Maybe he does like you and you just cant see it" she blurted out in a whisper. Frowning slightly i yawned again. "I dont know Alisa. It just seems a little far fetched if you ask me. I think i am ready to go to the hotel now. I am really tired" i commented as she nodded and we headed back to the guys. "You ready" Finn ask as he looked over at me. Nodding i hugged Alisa and told her i would see her tomorrow. Agreeing we headed our separate ways. Finn held up the keys and stated he would drive so i could rest. Climbing into the passanger seat of my Challenger i was thankful that they had cleaned it up. "I like the way your car drives" he stated as we pulled out on to the main road and headed towards the hotel. "Mmm. Me to" i mumbled as my eyes got really heavy. The rest of the ride was silent as i nodded in and out of sleep.

    "Come on Nisha. We are hear" Finn whispered as he gentely shook my shoulder. Opening my eyes i slowly climbed out of the car and followed him into the hotel and to the elevator. "You can sleep when we get to the room" he stated as the doors closed behind us. Smiling i laid my headed against his arm and shut my eyes. For the first time i felt relaxed and comfortable touching him. The elevator jolted to a stop causing me to sway forward. Reaching out he cught me and stood me back up. "I take it you have not rested well the past week" he ask as i swooned over his Irish accent. "No i have not. I was locked in a room for a week and it felt strange not being around you" i answered as i looked up at him slightly blushing. "Same here. I could not sleep because you where not there" he stated as he lead the way down the hall. Opening the door he flipped the light on and set our bags down. Walking in i noticed the beautiful bouquet of roses on thectable and walked over to them. "How pretty" i stated taking the card out and opening it to read. I read it out loud.

   : Sunshine lady you have to know. I will follow you where ever you go. Just because he won tonight. Doesn't mean he won the fight.
  Roses are red violets are blue. Be ready sunshine lady im coming for you.

Cliff hangers are always fun dont you think. Like share and comment on how the story is going. Thanks for reading my book.

Caged Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora