Chapter 3

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After reaching the airport things got a little hectic. Finn gave the lady our tickets and they checked our bags then the checked us. After all of that we found out our flight was delayed for an hour due to engine trouble. They were geting another plane which was taking awhile. Sitting down I got the paper work out and began filling it out. It did not take as long as i thought it would, but it was a lot of reading and learning the rules. "So Nisha what do you call your finishing move" Finn ask as he sat down and handed me a cup of coffee. "I call it the star gazer. It starts with a super kick then i do a backwards 180 off the top rope" i replied as i put the paper work back into my bag and look out the windows. It was getting really late at this point and i was very tired.

"Flight 260 to L.A. is now boarding at gate 5 please make your way there now. Thank you" a voice boomed over the speakers in the airport. "Thats us" Finn said as he got up and got my bag. Following him i sighed. "I can carry that you know" i stated as we made our way through the crowd and to the gate. He handed the lady our tickets and we boarded the plane. Finding our seats i realized i was next to the window and set down. Luckly there was only two seats to a roll so no one else would be sitting with us. Getting my bag i found my headphones to put in after we took off. Looking over at Finn i saw he was doing the same thing. "Better get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow" he stated with a yawn. Nodding ictilted my chair back and put the saftey belt on for take off. Once we were in the air i put my headphones in and looked over at him and thought about how cute he was when he was resting peacefully. Shutting my eyes it did not take long for me to fall asleep.

It felt like i had been asleep for awhile when bright flashes of light woke me up. Opening my eyes and blinking i looked at the two teenagers standing in the isle taking pictures of us. Raising my head up i realised i could not move. Turning my head i saw Finns arm over my shoulder and my head was on his chest. "Oh no this is not good" i thought as i begin to panic slightly. Smiling at the teens i laid my head back down and shut my eyes. Very discreetly I poked him in the ribs with my finger. Jumping slightly he opened his eyes and looked around to find the teenagers standing there watching us. "Hello" he said in a raspy voice as he yawned. "What is your girlfriends name Mr. Balor" the girl ask as she looked at him. "Um.. Oh she is not my girlfriend she is my partner and friend" he replied looking over to see his arm around me with my head still on his chest. I mentally frowned to myself. He removed his arm from around me and gently laid my head back on my seat. "Well i think she is cute" the boy said with confidence in his voice. "I do to but lets not wake her up" he replied telling them good bye. I stirred slightly and turned my back to him and dropped my phone. I froze in fear he would know I was awake if i picked it up. It did not take long for sleep to over take me again.

"Good morning sleepy head" he said as he gentely shook my shoulder. Yawning i opened my eyes and looked around. "Good morning. What time is it" i ask as i set up. "It is seven in the morning" he answered as i began looking for my phone. Panicing i checked my pockets and the floor then the seat. "Looking for this" he ask holding my phone up. Reaching for it he pulled i back and stepped away. "You should really put a password on here" he joked as i got up and grabbed my phone. "Did you go through my stuff" i ask blushing horribly. "No but you got like 10 messages from Alisa talking about how you had a crush on me" he replied with a smile. Turning i quicklu started walking to the exit. Realizing i forgot my bag i ran right into him. He quickly caught me and stood me back up. "Sorry" i whispered as i saw he had my bag. Humiliated i walked off the plane abd into the airport. We went and got our bags in silence then to get a taxi. He told the taxi driver which hotel to take us to then we got in. "You will be going with me tonight to meet the other wrestlers and to meet with Paul" he pointed out as we pulled up at the hotel. "Ok. I am really nervous now. I dont know anyone but you and Paul and i am very shy" i answered him as he got out our bags and we walked into the hotel.

"Reservations for Balor and Black" he told the man behind the desk. The man looked down at his reservation book and nodded. Turning around he got a key and handed it to Finn. "I hope you all enjoy your stay" he stated and went back to work. Looking over at the man i ask him where my key was. He loked back at his book then to me. "It says you will be sharing a room" he added, turning to Finn i felt my stomach knot up. He shrugged and headed towards the elevator. Following him i heard someone laughing behind me. "Well it looks lik they finally got you an escort or did you find her yourself" the voice ask Finn. Feeling my face flush I turned around to find Bray Wyatt standing beihind me with Abigal. "What do you want Bray" he ask with venom lacing his voice. "My my she is a pretty little thing isn't she Abigal" he ask as he stalked around me. Looking up at Abigal i noticed her irises were red and she was not happy at all. Finn grabbed my arm and put me behind him. "Leave her out of this" he growled taking a protective stance in front of me. Many people had began to look at us at this point and I grabbed Finns hand and tried to pull him to the elevator. "I will see you tonight sunshine lady" Bray laughed as we walked off not wanting to draw more attention to us.

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