Chapter 8

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   "You both can have the day off. Take this time to really get to know each other that way you can work better together" Paul told us after the meeting concerning the next paperview Summerslam. Agreeing i felt a little uncomfortable spending the whole day with Finn after what happened last night. "Well what would you like to do today" Finn ask as we walked out of the building. Shrugging I looked around not finding anything that caught my eye. "I don't know. I guess we could go back to the hotel and watch a movie or we could go sight seeing" i replied trying to keep my fear hidden. "Yeah lets get a movie. A day in sounds fun. We could also just sit and talk to learn more about each other" he stated as he called for a taxi. Getting in i mentally facepalmed as i thought about being alone with him in the hotel room. "Sounds good to me. I may text Alisa in a little while. See how things are going with he." Nodding we headed off to the hotel.

  Walking into our room i walked to the bedroom and flopped down on the bed. I was working with the man i had crushed on for over a year plus sharing a hotel room with him and i was stupid enough to try to kiss him. "You are so stupid Nisha. You have no morals what so ever" i thought as i felt the bed move next to me. "Hey you ok" he ask as i looked up at him. Nodding i raised up on my elbows and looked at him. "Yeah just tired and i am sorry about last night. I really should not have tried to kiss you" i replied as i got up and walked towards the door. He grabbed my arm and turned me towards him while pushing me against the wall. With wide eyes i looked up at him as he stepped closer. "Im not" he said as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. My brain stopped working and i could not move. After a moment my lips slowly moved against his until he pulled back. My heart was pounding as my phone pinged in my pocket. "I will go put the movie on" he stated as he walked out of the room. Reaching in my pocket i pulled my phone out to see who text me.

Alisa: Have you been on Facebook or Twitter. If not you really should be. Someone has been posting pitures of you asleep on Finns shoulder on a plane and it is blowing up everywhere.

Me: What?!?!

Alisa: Yeah its everywhere. And so many people have liked it. They are saying you all are a couple

Me: Oh no. Those teens on the plane the other night. Oh man. Finn is going to flip out. So is Paul. I am going to die.

After texting her i got on Twitter to find the picture and sure enough there it was. All the color left my face as i walked out to the living-room to show Finn. He was sitting on the couch as i handed him my phone. "What is this" he ask looking at it funny then up at me. "Those teens took pictures of us asleep on the plane and put them on social media and now they are everywhere" i stated as his phone began to ring. He got up and left the room as i plopped down and stared blank faced at the wall. Not sure what to do i grabbed my bag and headed to the door and quietly left. "He is going to hate me" i sighed as the elevator stopped in the lobby. "Ping" pulling my phone out it was an unknown number with a text.

: Hello Sunshine lady. I can see you but can you see me

Me: who is this?!?!

: You will find out soon enough. Right now you need to play along

Me: um no i dont know who you are but leave me alone.

: go back to your room or something bad could happen to you.

Turning I pressed the button on the elevator and got in and headed back to my room. Who ever that was they were to close for me to like. Hurrying down the hall i beat on the door and waited for Finn to let me in. Minutes passed and i was getting a very bad feeling that someone was in the hall with me. Looking around i did not see anyone. The door finally opened and i rushed in past him. "Whats wrong he ask as i pushed the door closed and run to the couch and sit down pulling my knees up to my chest. "I got some strange text messages from an unknown number that almost sounded threatening" i replied as i looked up at him. "Well i got a phone call from corporate saying they had saw the pictures and that we would be going on a private jet from now on. Plus they want to push this to make it look like we are a real life couple. They said it would be good for the ratings seeing how many people had done seen the pictures and believed it" he replied as he sat down. "By the way where was you going. I came back and you where gone." "I was just going to get some air and i felt you would hate me because of those pictures" i replied as the movie began to play on the tv. "Why would i hate you. I would not have kissed you if i hated you" he added as he slipped his arm around me and smiled.

A/N: sorry just a filler chapter i could not think of what to put. I hope you all are enjoying my book so far. Please commnt like and share. I have a few other books up i am also working on. They should be on my page. Thanks for reading.

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