Getting Signed

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My alarm goes off. I push Josh's arms off of me and stand up to turn off my alarm. I quietly make my way to my suitcase and grab some clothes. I quietly go to the bathroom, shower, and then change. I step out of the bathroom and go to my shoes.
I slip them on and write Josh ND Tyler and note, "Hey had to go to a meeting. Breakfast downstairs until 12:00pm, love you guys". I stick the note to Josh's forehead and grab my phone. I leave the room and go to the meeting.


"Well, I hope you move further on in your music career, you've been the best by far. Let's hope to see you again sometime", A lady says, "Thank you", I say standing up. I walk out of the building and hail a taxi. He stops and pulls over, "Where ya goin'?", he asks, "To (insert random hotel)", I answer, he nods his head and starts driving.


"Thank you", I say as I pay the driver and get out of the taxi. I go into the lobby of my hotel and into the elevator. I press the 12th button. The elevator dings, signaling I'm on my floor. I get off as someone steps on, I go straight to my door and open it with my keycard. I take out the card and open the door, and see Josh and Tyler having a pillow fight, "Oh my gosh", I squeal.
They both look at me and run at me with the pillows, hitting me aswell, "Stop, stop, stop!", I giggle getting away from them, "Yea Tyler stop hitting my girlfriend", Josh says sarcastically while looking at Tyler, "You were hitting her too"

"But I wasn't"

"Yes you were"

"No I wa-"

"GIRLFRIEND?!", Tyler yells looking between Josh and I, "Yea, she's been my girlfriend, for like, 3 three weeks now", Josh says. Tyler starts asking a ton of questions and Josh answers them while I go to the bathroom and take off my makeup.
Josh quickly opens the door and shuts it again, him leaning against the door, "Tyler started attacking me", Josh explains. I giggle and go back to taking of my makeup, "Josh you're out of the band!", Tyler yells jokingly as I open the door, "No! Not my super cool, drummer boyfriend", I plead, "He can't be kicked out, he's the best you have Sir Tyler".
Tyler looks up at me and smiles, "Fine, I guess he's back in the band", he sighs as Josh comes running out of the bathroom and scooping me up in his arms, "Josh put me down!", I yell, "Never". He starts spinning around, "I'm gonna throw up on you", I warn him, "Oh well". He slings me over his shoulder.
I reach my hand down to his pant-line and give him a wedgie, "Ow stop!", he yells and throws me onto the bed, "It's what you get", I tell him. Tyler starts laughing hysterically. Josh gives Tyler an evil glare then looks back at me, "This is what you get", he leaps on to me hovering over my body, "Boo", he says quietly.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "So scary", I taunt, "Well they call me Spøøky Jim Crishtmas", Josh says. He let's himself fall on my body, "Ow!", I yelp, "You're heavy", I tell Josh. He looks up at me and smiles, "Your the worst boyfriend ever", I joke, "Sorry, I don't remeber my birth name being Luke Daniels", Josh says.
I open my mouth to say something but don't because that was a good one. I lean my head back, "I'm taking a nap", I say before falling asleep.


"Liz! Wake up!!", Tyler yells at me, "What?", I ask lifting my head up, "Look at this", he says pulling me out of bed, "Ow", I mumble falling on the floor, "Sorry", he apologizes. I look up at him and stand up, "What is it?", I ask, "Josh".
I give him a confused look as he pulls me into the bathroom, where Josh is taking a shower and singing very loudly, "He's singing your song", Tyler whispers, "Ok?"

"It's supposed to be cute"

"It is, but I'm going back to sleep"

"No wait"


"Josh is planning something tonight"

And with that, Tyler left and I soon followed only going to my suitcase, "Wait, am I coming to a concert tonight?", I ask, "Yes". I pick out a nice outfit and wait at the bathroom door, "Joshua hurry up!", I yell banging on the door. I hear the shower turn off, "I'm Dun are you happy?", he asks.
"Yes I am", I answer and we switch places. I walk into the bathroom and he goes into the actual room, I take the change of clothes and slip them on. I check myself in the mirror, "Now about my hair?", I ask myself.
I decide to but my hair in to buns on each side, "Ok I ready", I say stepping out of the bathroom. Josh stares at me, "Take a picture it'll last longer", I whisper walking past him, he comes out of his shocked state and turns to me, "I already did", he says motioning to his head.
"Your a dork", I comment before grabbing my phone and walking back over to the bathroom door, "Where's Tyler?", I ask, "Waiting for us", Josh answers. We both run downstairs and meet Tyler, "It's about time", Tyler mutters. We all get a Taxi.


We all step not of the Taxi into the venue, "So.. this is what your concerts look like", I joke, "You've never been to one?!", Tyler yelps, "Of course I've been to one. Would I ever be such a big fan if I didn't?", Tyler pretends to think, "Oh be quiet", he comments. Josh intertwines his hand with mine and squeezes it.
We walk into the venue, I watch Tyler and Josh practice. They start playing Tear In My Heart, and then whisper something to each other, then keep playing.


The crowd is filled with people, screming, cheering, chanting. Josh comes up behind me, "Wish my luck", he says, "Goodluck, babe", I say kissing him on the cheek. He goes up on stage with a smile on his face, as well as Tyler.
They start off the concert with slow songs, then the faster song, and then finally the emotional ones. Then all of a sudden, Tyler shouts into the microphone, "Have you ever loved anyone?", he gets cheers in response, "I know I have. And so has my friend Josh", the crowd screams.
They both smile, "Well, I'm sure some of you know about Josh's love life. He dated a girl, then his drums, and then me, and then his drums again, and now... he's finally found love again!", Tyler looks at me off stage, "Liz why don't you come up here with Josh", Tyler says pulling me on stage. Josh takes my hand as the crowd cheers, "This is my girlfriend, Elizabeth Urie!", Josh yells happily. I get a few screams from the crowd.
"See I knew they would hate me.. fuck", all sorts of thought run through my mind as Josh turns towards me. Everything goes silent, as Josh leans in and closes his eyes. I do they same and feel Josh lips connect with mine. The crowd cheers, "I love you", Josh says pulling away, "I love you too", I reply with a smile.


So ye.. that was a long chaoter. I'm a liar, oh well. But ye just some fluff hope you liked it

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