Secret Location

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The same sentence keeps repeating over and over again, blocking out everything my yellwo-haired boyfriend is saying. "Liz? Liz hey..", Josh says, "No!", I yell, "Nowwhat?", Josh asks, "Something... or someone.. keeps saying I will die", I say staring at the doorway.
"Liz you're not gonna die, you'll be ok as long as I'm here", Josh says, "I know". "Josh?", I ask, "Hm?"

"Will I die?"

"Of course not"

"What if I do?"

"No one's out to kill you, ok?"

"Luke is.."

"He's out to kill anyone"

I take my hand off his head, "I wanna go home now", I say quietly, "Can we go back?", Josh asks, "Let me check". I push Josh off me and text Brendon to see if I can come back home, Yes.. just.. come slow, he says, "Slow?", I question. "He said we could. But let's take our time", I say


Josh and step onto the small steps leading up to my house. I slowly open the door, "Hey mom... Brendon? I'm home", I say, "Bye Josh", I whisper shutting the door behind me. "Mom?", I ask, "Liz!", a muffled scream comes from upstairs.
"Oh fuck me", I think to myself as I go upstairs. "Mom?!", I scream again. I hear a reply but it comes out as a screming of pure terror, "Brendon no!", I scream. I start look to for the source of the screaming, my room.
I cringe at the thought of what's going on inside. I open the door and see Mom, and Brendon, and an unwanted person. "I see you've finally joined us, Elizabeth", Luke says, "What the hell are you doing here, Daniels?", I ask, "Oh? I'm not daddy anymore?", Luke says, "Ha! You were never daddy. And never will be".
He sticks his bottom lip out, "That's a shame... a shame my dear". "Just leave us alone! Why can't you ever just realize that I'm not just your little toy anymore?! You can't control me Lucas James Daniels. Now it's time that I control you", I yell.
Luke seems taken aback at my outburst, "You? Control me?", he laughs, "Yea. Now, either leave my house, family, and me alone", I say pausing, "And?", Luke taunts, "You don't want to know", I answer him. "I wouldn't want to know, huh? Well, if you don't tell me I'll just do this", Luke says taking a knife out and sliding across Brendon's arm, "Lucas James, I will not hesitate one moment to kill you if you do anything further", I say calmly, steam bursting out my ears. His facial expression becomes scared, "K-kill me?", he says quietly, "Kill you".
"Elizabeth Taylor you better not kill any-", my mom gets cut off by Luke covering her mouth, "Take you filthy hand off my mother", I demand Luke taking slow steps towards him, "Ok, just.. look behind you", Luke says.
Confused, I turn around and see Chad and Grey from New York, "Miss Taylor, would you please step aside so we can take this young man away from this location?", Grey asks. I side step and let them into the room, Chad picks up Luke by one arm and Grey the other.
After they leave, I run over to Brendon and my mom, untying Brendon first, then Mom, "I'm so sorry you had to hear me say all those things", I aplogize to Mom, "It's ok, I know you were just trying to protect us", she says. We pull each other into a hug, "Brendon.. I'm sorry too", I say stepping into his embrace, "It's ok hot shot. I love you too", he says, "But it's not ok", I protest burying my head deeper in his chest.


After the incedent with Luke, he went to jail, Chad and Grey helped me move to a more secluded house, that's means I'm living by myself. Mom decided to move back to Ohio (or wherever your home state is).
Which left Brendon and I in L.A as two grown children, alone. Not a very wide choice but hey, it's a choice. Anyways, that's all I had to say. I'll write when anything else happens, Liz out.

I close my journal and push it off to the side, I still have boxes to unload and stuff to set up.


I go over to the last box that needs to be unpacked. I pull out a microphone, and headphones, "Oh yea.. I guess I will kinda need those", I say to myself bore putting them into the spare room. I usually keep a spare microphone in case I do covers for Instagram and Twitter.


Chad and Grey haven't left my house at all today, or my side. They walk around Hollywood with me everywhere I go. "Ok so right now I'm just walkin' down Hollywood Blvd. Bein' a celeb and stuff no worries", a blonde haired guy with a camera says (A/N shout out to Logan Paul Vlogs) I ignore him, then soon realize that he Logan Paul.
"Logan!", I scream happuly, "Oh looks like we got a Logantster around here somewhere", he says. "Logan Paul, oh my god", I say walking up to him, "Woah.. bodygaurds? That dope, I had to have those when I went to New York", he says putting the camera up to Chad and Grey's faces. "Logan, I'm Liz Taylor, I've been a big fan of you ever since I started watching you're channel. You've literally inspired me to be a better person, and go out in the world to change it. I'm a Maverick", I say, Logan smiles, "Damn. You're a real Logangster", I smile too, "I know".


After my encounter with Logan, he gave a YETI backpack, like how cool is that?! He also gave me some merch, which is so fucking dope. I've literally loved Logan ever since I've started watching him, I saw he was friends with Alex Wassabi, so I was like, "Why didn't I find this boy before? He's halairous", like you know what I mean? Anyways. I went to Starbuck and got some coffee and I came out and there like, at least 30-40 people standing outside, and the were chanting my name. MY FUCKING NAME. So now Chad and Grey are trying to get everyone to calm down so I can go back to my house cause I'm a lil' introvert. So yea, that's all I've got for now. Liz out.

I close my journal again, "Chaaaaad", I say, "Yes Ms. Urie?"

"Can someone come over? I'm bored"

"No one is allowed in the house, it is sacred we keep your address private"


I slump back down in my chair, and sigh, "Chad... can Brendon come over?", I ask, "Yes, Grey and I will escort him to your house. Stay here", Chad demands. I immediately get sure excited, "Ok, I'll wait", I say trying to contain myself.
While I wait for Brendon, I decided to make myself some snacks because I get really hungry sometimes.


Chad and Grey soon come back with more than just Brendon Urie, that includes Brendon, Josh, Tyler, Jenna, and Melanie, "Oh my god what the hell!", I say happily. Melanie and I run over to each other, "What the hell happend to you?! You can't just leave me like that", She says, "I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault".
Everyone is looking around my house, while Brendon and I are in the kitchen eating, "So how's living alone going for ya?", Brendon asks, "I mean it gets boring every once in a while, but hey.. it's not that bad", I answer, grabbing a chip, "You?". He smiles and explains what it's like living with Sarah, his wife.
"Lucky", I say, "Hey don't pout. Maybe Chad and Grey will let someone come live with you", Brendon says, "I doubt that". "Babe!", Melanie yells, dragging me into the living room, "What?", I ask, "How's the dye staying in?", she asks, "It's fine.. why?", I ask supicisouly, "You wanna dye it again?"


"Why not"

"I don't trust you Martinez"

"I get that.."

"Still not doing it"

"Ok fine"

Melanie gives up, but doesn't let go of my hand.


The rest of the day consisted of me hanging out with all my friends, and yes it was sperate fun to have some company. Liz out

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